Rumour: 3DS To Launch at Around £200-£230?

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.01.2011 21

Rumour: 3DS To Launch at Around £200-£230? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With a week to go till Nintendo's 3DS launch briefing for Europe, retailers have started to slot in placeholder prices.

Various stores that are part of The Hut group, including WHSmith, Best Buy and good ol' Woolies have started to list the console with a staggering £300 price tag. It's a little unrealistic, so we'd pop it down as a placeholder.

According to a source speaking to industry mag MCV the RRP in the UK will fall between £200 and £230. With the Japanese coversion working out to be £190, we'd expect £199 to be a fair starting point for the new machine.

Are you considering getting a 3DS? What would be a fair price that you would be willing to play for the new portable?

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Tbh �£200-�£230 sounds ok for me. It's roughly the price I guessed it to be and I'd be pretty happy with that.

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I recently got my PS3 for ��£200. I aint ready to put that much down again, especially on a handheld with very little to offer at launch. Smilie

( Edited 12.01.2011 14:04 by Ifrit XXII )

I'm expecting �£180.

My educated guess ages ago put it at �£229.99 for the UK market. Let's see how that fares... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Japanese Price is roughly �£191.38. Take off the 5% sales tax and you get �£181.81. Ad on the UKs 20% VAT, and you get �£218.17.

Thats based on todays rates of conversion obviously, and assumes they will just transfer the price over.

Lrrr said:
Japanese Price is roughly ���£191.38. Take off the 5% sales tax and you get ���£181.81. Ad on the UKs 20% VAT, and you get ���£218.17.

Thats based on todays rates of conversion obviously, and assumes they will just transfer the price over.

Aren't things in the UK usually priced cheaper than Japan, I know games are. And the Wii in Japan was originally 25,000 yen like the 3DS is now.

So like L said ��£180, but maybe �£179.99-219.99.

( Edited 12.01.2011 17:17 by Stulaw )

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I agree with jesusraz, $229.99 is a nice middle ground between the number in the euro price (should be 249.99) and the price for the UK to go along with $249.99 for the Americas).

For a handheld I would never pay that kind of money. But Im not big on handhelds to begin with.

I think as the first out for the next gen in handheld gaming it might seem like a good price point. When the PSP2 comes out we might experience another match where the PSP on paper is offering more for your pound in terms of hardware. The only difference will be that the DS isnt really cheap from day one.

I got a PS3 320gb with move controller for �£255. That represented value since I now have a sysstem that feels like a dedicated blu ray player on one hand and a great games console on the other. Comparing that to this price range for the 3DS. Seems like a bad deal.

I also have a feeling that the 3D tech they are using will feel very dated and cumbersome in a years time if what I have read from various sources come to fruition.

Stulaw said:
Lrrr said:
Japanese Price is roughly ����£191.38. Take off the 5% sales tax and you get ����£181.81. Ad on the UKs 20% VAT, and you get ����£218.17.

Thats based on todays rates of conversion obviously, and assumes they will just transfer the price over.

Aren't things in the UK usually priced cheaper than Japan, I know games are. And the Wii in Japan was originally 25,000 yen like the 3DS is now.

So like L said ���£180, but maybe ��£179.99-219.99.

Back when the Wii was launched, 25,000 yen was equivalent to $215 US. Today, that amount of Yen is equivalent to $300. And the Wii in the UK was sold for the equivalent of $350 US, so 1.5 times the Japanese price.

I'm not going to pay over �£150 for it, and by the time it drops to that, there'll be a shitload of games out too, which will have also dropped in price. If nobody buys it at the (grossly) inflated release price, it will drop.
Question is, who will go without to save themselves and others loads of money?

Anon (guest) 12.01.2011#11

Hi Cubed3 I work for one of the major entertainment retailers in the UK and our system states a cost price of �£178 per 3DS console, that's right, each of our branches is paying about that for their console, per console so we're looking to make at least �£40 on top, so the �£230 RRP is about right. I hear also that there will be free games bundles, �£230 for a 3DS and game and �£260 for a 3DS and 2 games.

So, still looking at �£30 a game? I dont think so. Gonna be �£40 MINIMUM, mark my words

I guessed that the price point (in dollars) for the 3DS would be between $200-$250, which is fine with me. Any higher and I'll feel a little bit of apprehension when I'm sliding my debit card day one, but only a little bit. I'm also glad that the launch titles will be pretty weak as it will hopefully increase my chances for a day one acquisition.

PMD (guest) 12.01.2011#14

Lol, so many � symbols in one thread. I wish I had fancy European internets like you guys.

that feels like a dedicated blu ray player on one hand and a great games console on the other. Comparing that to this price range for the 3DS.

The 3DS being both a great games console on one hand, and a portable 3d movie player on the other....not seeing your point? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
that feels like a dedicated blu ray player on one hand and a great games console on the other. Comparing that to this price range for the 3DS.

The 3DS being both a great games console on one hand, and a portable 3d movie player on the other....not seeing your point?

You have watched a full length 3D movie on the 3DS? because before I made my comment I watched several blu ray movies on my PS3 and tried out the interface. I Experienced the connectivity between my PS3 and my bravia telly, used my tv remote to control the movie and did a bunch of other things before making a judgement. The PS2 plays DVDs but the experience is crap, its a game console TRYING to be something else.

I'll still be getting this on launch day.. but that's just because I have enough for it. I'm hoping for a �£180 - �£200 price tag, but I'm willing to pay a little more if this is the case.

With the going exchange rate what would that translate to for American currency?

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Vorash Kadan said:
With the going exchange rate what would that translate to for American currency?

200 british pounds is 317 dollars

and 86c

joe (guest) 18.01.2011#21

oh right so we need to buy a bravia tv with our ps3's then to get the full experiance eh meeto Smilie

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