Nintendo UK Denies DSi Phase Out

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.01.2011 7

Nintendo UK Denies DSi Phase Out on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Nintendo launching the 3DS globally this year, rumours have suggested that the DSi will be phased out - it won't.

In the UK at least, with a representative stating that Nintendo "plan to still manufacture and supply DSi consoles in a range of colours in the UK in 2011", but it does of course depend on whether there's a strong enough demand for the sleeker DS in the different regions.

With sales still strong for the current DS/DSi selection, it seems there's still life for Nintendo's portable family well into 2011 and beyond.

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With Okamiden and Pokémon Black & White coming out in March, my DS will still have a lot of play time left in it. Then there's the back log of games I still need to buy (mainly the Ace Attorney games).

Do you know if they still manufacture the DSlite? I wonder if the DSi and the 3DS are not different enough to produce both of them at the same time. Maybe if they decide to drop the price of the DSi, it could be thought of as a cheaper alternative to the 3DS.

Still lots I want on the DS, but then, I still am happy with my DS original for now.
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I still have 25 DS games in my collection to start/finish and I look forward to purchasing another 15 released in 2010 that I haven't yet obtained as well as at least 20 more for 2011 so my DSi still has a looong way to go.

EdEN said:
I still have 25 DS games in my collection to start/finish and I look forward to purchasing another 15 released in 2010 that I haven't yet obtained as well as at least 20 more for 2011 so my DSi still has a looong way to go.

Wow, 25 DS games and you didn't complete or even play most of them yet? I wish I had as much money as you to spend on games. Smilie There are still so many I would love to get...maybe I should move to America sometime. Games in Europe are so damn expensive. Smilie

Mario (guest) 11.01.2011#6

Nintendo would be stupid to discontinuing the DS at this point in time. DS = money!

Pity, I wouldn't mind getting an XL on the cheap in a year or two, that thing is godly, and Okamiden would be pure brilliance on it.

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