New Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS Footage (Cam)

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.01.2011 19

New Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS Footage (Cam) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The full trailer and gameplay footage (off-screen) for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on 3DS has emerged from Nintendo World.

Snapped up by Nintendo Live, we encounter a familiar Hero of Time as he explores a revitalised Kokiri Forest, ventures into a murkier Deku Tree and faces some farly large and menacing bosses.

Ocarina of Time is due out this Spring for Nintendo 3DS.

For more videos and 3DS trailers, be sure to check out the 3DS Software Line-up video.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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Love the look of it!

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
Guest 10.01.2011#2

Is there a way to set it up like ph or st? I love the touchscreen Zelda and can't go back! Smilie

Tobe (guest) 10.01.2011#3

OMG this just gets better and better! Can't wait for OoT once again be my sweaty palms! Day 1? Yes!

Yes, looks so smooth and fluid. Can't wait to get my hands on this.

Stop breathing into the mic!

guest (guest) 10.01.2011#6

I really don´t understand what u guys are getting so exited about. I mean, come on. Sure, Zelda OoT is a milestone game, but to me, this remake looks like a pure fanboy milking title. As it is one of Nintendo´s main franchises, i had it expected to be graphically on par with third party titles. Sure thing, the framerate has improved a lot, but textures and character models are just slightly better. If u compare it with the remakes of the Resident Evil Series on the GameCube (which should be inferior in terms of processing power) and as Nintedo has no proper first party title for the 3DS in the pipe, i really wonder why it looks so bad.

I'm not excited about the visuals either. I always thought it looked worse than the N64 version, especially when it comes to the lighting and colours.

( Edited 10.01.2011 21:02 by Marzy )

guest (guest) said:
I really don´t understand what u guys are getting so exited about. I mean, come on. Sure, Zelda OoT is a milestone game, but to me, this remake looks like a pure fanboy milking title. As it is one of Nintendo´s main franchises, i had it expected to be graphically on par with third party titles. Sure thing, the framerate has improved a lot, but textures and character models are just slightly better. If u compare it with the remakes of the Resident Evil Series on the GameCube (which should be inferior in terms of processing power) and as Nintedo has no proper first party title for the 3DS in the pipe, i really wonder why it looks so bad.

Completely re-doing the graphics to make it on par with the other games is not a good idea. Making the game true to its original form it what it all about. Sure, they can make this game look like twilight princess graphics and it would look nice... but it would not feel the same as the original. Some games you can totally remake them so they have new features and graphics and some games you just can't.

Hanon (guest) 10.01.2011#9

Normal people have retextured the game, those projects > than this...

guest (guest) 10.01.2011#10

Completely re-doing the graphics to make it on par with the other games is not a good idea. Making the game true to its original form it what it all about. Sure, they can make this game look like twilight princess graphics and it would look nice... but it would not feel the same as the original. Some games you can totally remake them so they have new features and graphics and some games you just can't.

Sorry, i have to disagree with u. I think ur statement is true for 2D games, but imo it doesn´t work with 3D games that way (nope, i don´t mean stereoscopic 3D Smilie ). Retro 2D games have certainly some appealing flair and are quite popular nowadays, but old 3D games look, at least to me, ... well, kinda ... terrible Smilie (no, im not a graphic purist, i have a wii Smilie). I´ve played OoT on the N64 and it was a great game back then, but when i once decided to replay it in the late GameCube era, the visuals were so annoying that i stopped it after bout 2 hours Smilie. But i would buy it if it had visuals like TP Smilie.

no, im not a graphic purist, i have a wii Smilie).

If graphics come in the way (to you) to the point that you can't play a game, then yes you are a graphic purist who values visuals more than the gameplay.

If it had graphics of Twilight Princess standard it would lose it's charm and annoy a lot of fans. I mean they could probably upgrade them a bit more but they look fine anyway. OOT portable is what I've wanted for a while but I kinda hope they add some of the stuff that was originally planned for the N64 version, such as the left out dungeons or the unicorn fountain.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
Our member of the week

I'm OK if the graphics aren't touched upon so much, but then don't sell it at the same price as Resident Evil Revelations for example which required obviously much more work from its creators.

If there aren't any form of improvements other than the portability over the N64 cartridge, then I don't see much incentive for me to buy it again after already owning it on N64 and on Gamecube on the bonus disc from Wind Waker. So far it looks like it could be a 1000 Nintendo Points download title to me, there's nothing in there which would justify using a cartridge to store it, it can't be much bigger than the original which was just 32MB anyway.

Staying true to the roots doesn't mean you can't improve anything. See Lylat Wars for 3DS, it's obviously a much bigger improvement over the original than this remake, and it's still looks very close to the N64 original while still looking much better.

I really hope they put some extra content in ocarina of time 3DS, such as the temple of light which was omitted from the original due to size constraints, otherwise I don't think I'll be buying it :/.

( Edited 10.01.2011 23:30 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Oooh! I forgot about those extra dungeons Miyamoto mentioned in past interviews, yeah those would be a great addition.

I'm not too fussed about the visuals, they're better (imo) than the original, but could perhaps have had a bit more work/umph like SF64, which others have said looks better but still has the charm of the original.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Playing OoT with anything else than an N64 controller looks wrong...

Is their going to be stylus controls for aiming and moving link. I bet the analogue stick will make the touch controls pretty redundant on the console.

Graphicly I would have loved to have seen a game similar to what square did with FF7 when they showed of a PS3 trailer. Zelda redone for wii 2 would have been amazing.

There are little details missing. The waterfall in the vid wasnt splashing. The fairy looked horrendous. Links tunic looks too bright. I will wait and see.

I'm unsure about making this a future purchase if the only new stuff is a visual update. At least one new dungeon or area and yeah I'll be all over it.

Zerg (guest) 12.01.2011#18

Touchscreen for the WIN! Since playing Phantom Hourglass and then Spirit Tracks, I can't go back!

The great fairy still looks hideous Smilie

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