PS2 Still Ahead in the UK......But Nintendo's Console is Far from Dead!Following the UK GameCube price-cut on the 10th October, 2003 and the launch of four new Player's Choice titles, including the superb Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine, UK sales of the GC were up by a ridiculous amount, surpassing the XBOX to claim the No.2 position across the country. But many wondered if this would simply be a flash in the pan, with the box o' tricks slipping back down the sales charts soon afterwards. In fact, quite soon after, the XBOX did indeed retain its second position, but not for long as Nintendo's system saw the likes of Soul Calibur 2, Viewtiful Joe, F-Zero GX and more recently Mario Kart: Double Dash!! hit shop shelves, propelling system sales into the stratosphere once more. Since then the GameCube has steadily been reclaiming ground lost to Microsoft's beast of a home console, with the limited edition Mario Kart bundle which includes the special Zelda Collector's Disc (a mel