Nintendo 3DS Overview Trailer, System Pics

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2011 8

Nintendo 3DS Overview Trailer, System Pics on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are walking the public through the various different 3DS system functions, Mii creations etc in a new video.

Nintendo World 2011 is in full swing over in Japan now, and as part of the updates to the official 3DS website, the company has revealed details on battery life and a collection of new 3DS trailers. There are also details on the final system menu look and functionality - including how to take 3D images, run games and on-board software.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Overview Trailer, System Pics

Image for Nintendo 3DS Overview Trailer, System Pics

Image for Nintendo 3DS Overview Trailer, System Pics

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Did I just see trophies on the top screen at 4:06 or am I just dreaming(it's 4:30 am)? Those things that look like Gold, Silver and Bronze crowns.

Maybe a trophy system but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. Smilie

Looks like the Mii options are just as limited as the Wii's. Can't they let you choose from more than 8 colours? Lame. Smilie

The Augmented Reality cards look a LOT of fun. I hope developers start including them in all games. Will make a great bonus considering the software price increases. Smilie

( Edited 08.01.2011 14:57 by Ifrit XXII )

Ifrit XXII said:
Maybe a trophy system but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. Smilie

Looks like the Mii options are just as limited as the Wii's. Can't they let you choose from more than 8 colours? Lame. Smilie

The Augmented Reality cards look a LOT of fun. I hope developers start including them in all games. Will make a great bonus considering the software price increases. Smilie

The Miis are limited so they can be compatible between the Wii and the 3DS. If the 3DS version had new features, they wouldn't be compatible with the Wii version.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
The Miis are limited so they can be compatible between the Wii and the 3DS. If the 3DS version had new features, they wouldn't be compatible with the Wii version.

They could simply update the Wii with the new features. Wii games that use Miis simply won't be able to use the new features. Problem solved. Smilie

Looking awesome. I really like the GUI, it's like the DSi but seems to have been revised quite a bit.

( Edited 08.01.2011 18:16 by Mush123 )

Jim (guest) 08.01.2011#6

Considering Mii's face creation is still more flexible than MS avatars system i'm not to fussed over them not improving it, i'd rather not have nintendo go down MS route of selling virtual clothes.

Jim (guest) said:
Considering Mii's face creation is still more flexible than MS avatars system i'm not to fussed over them not improving it, i'd rather not have nintendo go down MS route of selling virtual clothes.

I just think the colour options are far to limited. Only 8 colours to choose from for both your favourite colour (outfit) and 8 choices for hair (sorry ginger/blue haired people!). An entire rainbow of colours and they limit you so badly. Smilie

( Edited 09.01.2011 12:50 by Ifrit XXII )

There could be more options I agree but in terms of flexibility and making a mii look like somone there still better.

Besides there appearance ussaly change depending on the software there in which I prefer to selling digital clothes.

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