Watch: New Debut trailer for Pro Evo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2011 4

Watch: New Debut trailer for Pro Evo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami are hoping to add a new dimension to successful football sim, Winning Eleven, with the series heading to Nintendo 3DS.

Dubbed Pro Evolution Soccer 3DS, the new project promises to be one of the most in-depth football experiences on a handheld, complete with running commentary, swanky 3D visuals and teams thanks to the improved specs of the 3DS. Sweaty blokes have never looked so good!

3DSoccer is penned for a 2011 release.

Via VG247.

Box art for Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D








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That looks insane (good insane) and the music is ridiculously dramatic!

Battle Royale!

Looks great, and like the Fifa be a pro mode, except you control all the players. Could be interesting.

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I want to see some footage that isn't taken from a useless angle. Honestly I don't understand why PES and FIFA keep introducing new close-up perspectives - unless its the 'be a pro' mode where your controlling one player, pretty much every footy-game fan would agree that you need to see pretty much the whole pitch.

But it looks pretty good. PS2-standard perhaps? Quite curious to see FIFA's efforts. PES is kind of choppy by nature, but FIFA is very flowing (game-play and animations) so it'll be interesting to see if they manage to maintain that fluidity. If they don't, perhaps PES will reign on the handhelds this year.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

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