3DS Launching with Around 10 Games, Pricier Software than DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2011 11

3DS Launching with Around 10 Games, Pricier Software than DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A few new details for Nintendo's upcoming 3DS launch in Japan have started to circulate around the interwebs.

The new console, due February 26th over in Japan, will be priced a fair bit higher than the current range of Nintendo handhelds, and that also includes software prices - according to Japanese site Inside Games. The system will also hit retail stands with "around 10 titles" at launch, with additional games set to pop up over the spring and summer periods.

Whilst the magazine didn't go into specifics for pricing and what software would make the cut, it did mention that PSP game prices could be used as a reference point.

Thanks to Siliconera.

Are you considering getting a 3DS console at launch? What do you think about the increased software prices?

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Well that's not TOO terribly pricey, considering that the 3DS is stronger than the psp (obviously) & the Wii I'd say it's fair to pay the price of a psp game for something 8 times as powerfull lol!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Its unavoidable that the software will be more expensive unfortunately. The system is more powerful than the DS and PSP, and developing for 3D will likely cost more as well. I'm guessing that its something that many devs don't have a lot of experience with.

I'm anxious to see what they decide to charge for the hardware in the rest of the world though. The system is more advanced than the DS and Wii, but at the same time nearly every component screams "I was chosen because I'm cheap". The graphics chip is off the shelf. The CPU (if rumors are to be believed) is a couple of underclocked Arm11s, and the cameras are ridiculously crappy. The only thing they've chosen that could really be called high-tech is the 3D screen.

Ugh if the software prices are higher I'm worried how it'll effect Wii game prices. Nintendo are already terrible when it comes to software prices, so I really hope it's not too much higher...

Around 10 games? I hope it has atleast one great title or I'll probably think twice about getting one on launch x-x

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Aren't new PSP game prices usually cheaper than DS prices?

BTW, Smilie for Jacob!!

( Edited 07.01.2011 21:19 by Ifrit XXII )

I was about to say the same thing, PSP games come out way cheaper than DS games where im from so id be happy if that was the case

It would be crazy to sell the 3DS games at the same price as current DS games. I mean, developing 3DS games is around 2-3x more than regular DS games (so I've heard).

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Give me Ocarina of Time and I'll be happy until Resident Evil and Super Street Fighter get released. If Kid Icarus gets released day one I'll also be happy. Really, I think I'll be happy just to get this thing day one. I am so hyped up for this it scares me sometimes.

Its basicly going to be as expensive as console games now. So I dont mind the upper prices being the same.

But they shouldnt have fixed prices. Ports and remakes (Ocarina, looking at you) should NOT be full price.

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Yeah, I'm not paying full price for Ocarina of Time again. I've already got it on the Nintendo 64 and I have it on the Gamecube.

It will probably be inferior on the 3DS anyway, for me. I haven't exactly seen anything better about it, so far, apart from Iwata claiming the Water Temple problem would be fixed.

It will probably be inferior on the 3DS anyway, for me. I haven't exactly seen anything better about it, so far, apart from Iwata claiming the Water Temple problem would be fixed.

I hope not, but I think it'll be just a straight up port. Sort of like how Super Mario 64 was to the DS.

Super Mario 64 on DS wasn't exactly a complete port, it was more of a remake. It had an extra 30 stars in it and 4 different playable characters.
I just hope that in this OoT remake they add an orchestrated soundtrack.

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