Nintendo DS RPG Solatorobo for EU

By Adam Riley 02.01.2011 2

Nintendo DS RPG Solatorobo for EU on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

CyberConnect2's Nintendo DS role-playing game, Solatorobo: Sore kara Coda e, will be hitting Europe later in 2011, according to a new promotional flier that has recently appeared online. Under what localised name it will appear is currently unknown, but it is presumed that Bandai Namco's European team will be handling the publishing duties.

The flier states:

2011 Winter: A New Challenge is Continued.

The person who fights with the monster should take care own becoming the monster by the process occasionally. The abyss also peeps into here when it peeps into the abyss.

Image for Nintendo DS RPG Solatorobo for EU

Clearly it can be seen that the text has been written by someone not exactly fluent in English, meaning that an official confirmation of the game's release has not really been made public. The actual developer seems to have jumped the gun slightly by handing out a signed temporary promo flier, with the expected 'Winter 2011' date emblazoned at the top.

The game, which many believe is a spiritual successor to Tail Concerto from the PlayStation, launched in Japan on 28th October and was last seen in the Media Create Top 50 in November, with it appearing to have sold roughly 40,000 units so far.

Have you been keeping tabs on Solatorobo, or were you a fan of Tail Concerto and are excited about a European release for this DS RPG?

Box art for Solatorobo: Red the Hunter








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European release date Out now   North America release date Sep 2011   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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"shit came out of my pants and I rocketed through the roof"

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I've only played a bit of the Japanese version, but it's a pretty good ARPG so far. Graphics are a bit PSone-ish, but that shouldn't put people off.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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