3DS Goes Limbless for Rayman 3D

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.01.2011 1

3DS Goes Limbless for Rayman 3D on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The US software ratings board ERSB has confirmed the existence of a Rayman game on the way for Nintendo 3DS.

Just before Christmas the Australian equivalent mentioned a new title Rayman 3D, however didn't specify any platforms for the forthcoming project. The new game is now confirmed for the Nintendo 3DS and without a Rabbids subtitle could be a true return to platforming form for the slightly neglected limbless hero - though we're not ruling anything out just yet.

Rayman Origins is being developed for Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network for a 2011 release, so the new Rayman 3D may have ties to the upcoming prequel.

Box art for Rayman





3D Platformer



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Knowing Ubisoft, it'll be a port of Rayman 3: which as long as its competent, would be a good thing.

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