The Last Story - Video Presentation

By Richard 27.12.2010 8

The Last Story - Video Presentation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hironobu Sakaguchi has given Nintendo fans across the globe a live presentation of his upcoming Wii RPG, The Last Story. There's an official video recording of the event which has been posted on a UStream account:

The Last Story - Video Presentation

Emerged Details

- Elza's wind magic can be used to disperse the Magic Circles of enemies
- free-for-all battle mode does allow for characters other than Elza to be used
- swim ability
- characters can strip down to their underwear
- Kanan's theme song is sung by artist Kanon
- Mario Club worked on The Last Story for nine months, which seems to be the longest testing period ever put in by the team
- in free-for-all combat, every time you defeat someone you get a point
- play online with random people or friend codes
- there's a secret about the sleeve packaging for the game
- Fujisaka says the logo and the main illustration showing Elza and Kanan are his favorite pieces of art for the game
- Uematsu says he likes the main theme song the most
- Sakaguchi said that the first three songs Uematsu submitted were all wrong
- everyone talks as you run through a dungeon
- Shokunin Street is where all the workers gather
- shoot bananas at people with the 'banana shot'
- Arganon bridge is one of the two bridges connecting Central Plaza to the rest of Ruli City
- Kanan can cast Holy, which forms a barrie
- turn the camera control on and off for the event camera adjustments
- set the controls so that A will forward through the events
- black circle is a heal circle for the enemy
- use Wind on Jackal's ice magic circle to make the enemies slip
- spread the effect of multiple Magic Circles by making your Wind magic target both Magic Circles
- enemies tend to first turn their sights on your weaker mages
- use Z for enemy targeting mode to see weak points
- using the analogue stick and A, you can dive to avoid enemy attack
- at one point, Elza walks into a fire magic circle, giving his sword flame properties
- Elza can be given the ability to destroy a pillar
- even in auto mode, you use B to guard
- attack is auto or manual, depending on what you want
- hold down B while walking to leap over obstacles
- tutorials are done using videos
- Chapter 01 is called Lizard's Cave
- the dev team is giving 120% and working as if it would be their last title
- hide behind objects by pressing the "A" button
- "C" to activate gathering
- real time battle system
- target background objects
- use Yuris' magic to shatter ledges from a distance
- when casting a spell, Yuris floats and a number appears over his head
- if hit during this number period, the spell is broken
- Cocoon is a boss from the first area
- scan for an enemy’s weak point and use the power of magic circles to damage the boss
- "Prominence" circle sends a blast of flame
- "Recovery" circle as well to restore a party's health
- other characters can shout at a boss/enemy to lure them
- Freeze Circle hits enemies with ice magic and causes slip status
- use the wind ability for a Freeze Circle to blow away the enemy heal effect
- a bunch of item names spin when you open a treasure chest, and you get whatever item it lands on
- another boss battle with an enemy called Muruu
- use a Holy Circle to protect your party with a barrie
- give characters direct orders
- change weapons on the fly to deal more damage
- quick time event where Elza can press A to jump up on an enemy and then hit A again to attack
- fast forwarding feature lets you speed through event scenes by holding the A button
- voice stops while fast-forwarding, but resumes as soon as you stop fast-forwarding
- purchase different kinds of armor at a shop and then equip them to style your character
- armor/item examples: feather armor and heavy legs, dragon armor, one piece dress
- another boss revealed: Monstrous Spider
- bigger attacks like Meteor and Accelerate

Thanks to Andriasang

Box art for The Last Story





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (7 Votes)

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that's awesome, that game looks a lot like Twilight Princess... I hope they will think about keeping the twilight princess art style in the future, after skyward sword. The game looks really amazing.

and the customization, is out of this world too. if there's a The Last Story 2 they should allow body customization. and allow body building as you level up in a skill.

I Smilie at the fact you can run around nude all though, your wearing underwear. I love the armour at 00:50:03

( Edited 27.12.2010 13:52 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Wolvesgod said:
that's awesome, that game looks a lot like Twilight Princess... I hope they will think about keeping the twilight princess art style in the future, after skyward sword. The game looks really amazing.

and the customization, is out of this world too. if there's a The Last Story 2 they should allow body customization. and allow body building as you level up in a skill.

I Smilie at the fact you can run around nude all though, your wearing underwear. I love the armour at 00:50:03

Haha, it's probably light relief for the guy ho had to redesign many aspects of the clothing. Sakaguchi-san insisted that customizable clothing was a must, some significant time into development. The guy who designed the clothing became attached to his early designs from what I've read. I'm sure they'll still be available, but the fact you can swap around to some degree must have pissed him off a little, he would have needed to adapt the clothing so it could link aesthetically and technically to a wide range of others.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

That looks amazing! Definately gonna get this, I really hope this comes out in America!

This looks like the best and most important 3rd party release on the Wii (until Dragon Quest X).
I had my doubts about this game initially but I'm really digging what I've seen. I'll be getting it for sure.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

The gameplay looks like so much fun to me, I'd buy it for that alone. Everything else is a bonus. Smilie

Everything is continuing to shape up for this title. I cannot WAIT to get my hands on it.

I'd also love to see that presentation translated to English... >.>

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

I am either buying this game the SECOND it comes state side or this will be the reason I learn Japanese...well that & my girlfriend is Japanese so there's that too lol. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I've added 60+ new screens to the game's media folder, for those interested Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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