Activision: Call of Duty Online Play to Remain Free

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.11.2010 8

Activision: Call of Duty Online Play to Remain Free on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Contrary to suggestions from industry analyst Michael Pachter, Activision has stated that Call of Duty online will remain free.

Earlier this week Pachter claimed that Activision would introduce subscriptions, initially starting with bonus items like weapons and armour, moving onto paid subscription for additional content, features and modes.

His claims spanned from $5 for additional maps to a fully blown $15/month fee to "pony up more money".

Today Activision fought back, telling IndustryGamers that the company will "never, ever charge for multiplayer."

Are we going to be charging for multiplayer? The answer is no. The experience you have out of the box, connecting with the online community to play Call of Duty is absolutely integral to the experience and we'll never charge for that. It's not going to be something we'll attempt to monetize; it's part of the package.

Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops





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Does anyone believe anything Michael Pachter says? Every week he makes up either silly predictions or sometimes he points out the obvious like "I believe there'll be another Call of Duty in 2011". Smilie

He makes so many predictions most of which are highly inaccurate yet he's bound to get 1 predictions right. He'll then brag about how he predicted that 1 event right and pretend he never made the other predictions. I'd throw a shuriken at him if I saw him in real life. Smilie

Paying for online on CoD.... umm aren't we already paying for Xbox Live + whatever broadband we have? Damn money grabbers.

( Edited 24.11.2010 23:03 by Mush123 )

I wonder where the Wii HD is... Oh that's right, in Pachter's mind.

I think Activision said something along these lines last year with MW2, seriously, when are people going to stop believing Pachter?

Adrian (guest) 25.11.2010#5

Fuck them no way would I pay more than $10 for this a month it should be free anyway Smilie Unfair to those who pay for better weapons imho

All hell would break lose if this happened xD

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How many times has Michael Pachter actually been right about something (besides the obvious stuff that every gamer already knows)?

Gamers may hate Pachter because he gets a lot of attention from game journalists, but remember, he is not a source of news or rumors. He takes information that every gamer should know, analyzes market trends and then presents important information to investors who don't read cubed3. Anyone who follows market analysts should know that it is not expected for them to be correct 100% of the time.

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