Media Create Sales, 1st-7th November

By Adam Riley 19.11.2010 1

Media Create Sales, 1st-7th November on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Media Create has released the Top 50 software sales for Japan, as well as the latest hardware numbers for the period of 1st-7th November. This week Super Mario Collecton puts on another strong showing, with Nintendo quickly re-stocking retailers with as many copies as it can produce on short notice. Hot on the game's heels, though, is Pokémon Black / White, whilst there is a new Nintendo DS entry at No.6 - Atlus' new RPG Radiant Historia, featuring some of the team behind Radiata Stories from the PS2. On the hardware side, the special red Mario DSi and DSi XL has helped those two platforms keep higher than normal, whilst Wii has been slowly declining, possibly as Japanese otaku await the release of the Mario anniversary red edition of the home console.

Check out all the data available below:

Media Create Top 50 Software - 1st-7th November, 2010
1.) (1) God Eater: Burst (PSP, Bandai Namco) - 61,834 | 324,984
2.) (3) Super Mario Collection: Special Pack (Wii, Nintendo) - 56,848 | 484,088
3.) (4) Pokémon Black / White (NDS, The Pokémon Company) - 56,719 | 4,368,717
4.) (2) World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 (PS3, Konami) - 55,809 | 271,066
5.) (NEW) Fallout: New Vegas (PS3, Bethesda Softworks) - 37,249 | NEW
6.) (NEW) Radiant Historia (NDS, Atlus Co.) - 32,807 | NEW
7.) (NEW) Fallout: New Vegas (360, Bethesda Softworks) - 24,146 | NEW
8.) (6) Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii, Nintendo) - 20,712 | 173,882
9.) (10) Wii Party (Wii, Nintendo) - 17,788 | 1,173,753
10.) (5) Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (NDS, Nintendo) - 12,571 | 59,087
11.) (9) Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 2 (PS3, Bandai Namco) - 8,567 | 91,332
12.) (7) Solatorobo: Sore kara Coda e (NDS, Bandai Namco) - 6,927 | 28,841
13.) (17) Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (NDS, Square Enix) - 6,319 | 157,472
14.) (14) Vanquish (PS3, Sega) - 5,565 | 67,925
15.) (15) Lord of Arcana (PSP, Square Enix) - 5,388 | 112,316
16.) (21) Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [PSP the Best Reprint] (PSP, Capcom) - 5,062 | 467,600
17.) (29) Wii Fit Plus (Wii, Nintendo) - 5,028 | 2,106,504
18.) (27) Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 4,910 | 2,966,082
19.) (19) Medal of Honour (PS3, Electronic Arts) - 4,699 | 38,324
20.) (20) Beat Sketch! (PS3, SCE) - 4,632 | 33,927
21.) (22) Red Dead Redemption (PS3, Take-Two Interactive)
22.) (34) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii, Nintendo)
23.) (28) One Piece: Gigant Battle (NDS, Bandai Namco)
24.) (NEW) Do-Konjou Shougakussei: Bon Bita (NDS, Bandai Namco)
25.) (33) New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii, Nintendo)
26.) (35) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)
27.) (11) Dream Club Portable (PSP, D3 Publisher)
28.) (8) Fable III (360, Microsoft Game Studios)
29.) (44) Friend Collection (NDS, Nintendo)
30.) (23) Sports Champions (PS3, SCE)
31.) (43) Art Academy (NDS, Nintendo)
32.) (45) Taiko Drum Master DS: Dororon! Battle With the Ghouls!! (NDS, Bandai Namco)
33.) (41) Monster Hunter Diary: Pokapoka Ailu Village (PSP, Capcom)
34.) (30) Black Leopard: A New Tale of Yakuza (PSP, Sega)
35.) (49) Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP, Konami)
36.) (12) Hakuouki: Reimeiroku (PS2, Idea Factory)
37.) (26) FIFA 11: World Class Soccer (PS3, Electronic Arts)
38.) (31) K-On! After School Live!! (PSP, Sega)
39.) (32) Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki (PSP, Nihon Falcom)
40.) (38) Zack and Ombra: Amusement Park of Illusion (NDS, Konami)
41.) (37) Gekijouban Macross F: Itsuwarino Utahime - Hybrid Pack (PS3, Bandai Namco)
42.) (13) Da Capo I & II Plus Situation Portable (PSP, Kadokawa Shoten)
43.) (40) Time Crisis: Razing Storm (PS3, Bandai Namco)
44.) (50) Inazuma Eleven 3: World Challenge!! Spark / Bomber (NDS, Level 5)
45.) (42) F1 2010 (PS3, Codemasters)
46.) (RE) Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team (PSP, Bandai Namco)
47.) (RE) Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2nd (PSP, Sega)
48.) (RE) Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)
49.) (RE) ToraDora Portable! [PSP the Best] (PSP, Bandai Namco)
50.) (RE) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [Reprint] (PS3, Square Enix)

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | 2010 Sales | Lifetime Sales
1.) Nintendo DS (all models) - 41,662 | 59,126 | 2,099,542 | 31,378,622
2.) PlayStation Portable (all models) - 37,456 | 41,905 | 1,746,763 | 15,489,851
3.) PlayStation 3 - 23,524 | 28,255 | 1,193,303 | 5,694,670
4.) Wii - 11,521 | 12,710 | 1,121,744 | 10,726,943
5.) Xbox 360 - 2,686 | 2,669 | 177,341 | 1,387,013
6.) PlayStation 2 - 1,460 | 1,400 | 71,333 | 21,681,510
XX.) Nintendo DSi XL - 22,858 | 32,137 | 1,059,312 | 1,566,219
XX.) Nintendo DSi - 16,038 | 23,614 | 837,909 | 5,176,855
XX.) Nintendo DS Lite - 2,766 | 3,375 | 202,321 | 18,050,077
XX.) PlayStation Portable - 34,538 | 38,874 | 1,688,503 | 15,355,836
XX.) PSPgo - 2,918 | 3,031 | 58,260 | 134,015

Box art for Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition





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I wonder if Nintendo is worried about the Wii's performance. They said that sales usually pick up during the holidays, but if they don't, I wonder what they will do. More colors and a price drop can help, but those don't sustain hardware sales.

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