Pirates of the Caribbean Gets Blocked

By Adam Riley 18.11.2010 1

Pirates of the Caribbean Gets Blocked on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Disney Interactive Studios and TT Games today announced that they are joining with The LEGO Group to bring Jack Sparrow and other familiar characters to life in virtual LEGO adventures with LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game. The video game is being developed by TT Games, the group behind a portfolio of critically acclaimed, best-selling LEGO video games, and will be published by Disney Interactive Studios for Wii and Nintendo DS, as well as Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and PC. Interestingly, it mentions the 'Nintendo DS' family, perhaps alluding to a 3DS game eventually being revealed as well.

The video games will be released simultaneously with the highly anticipated new film Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides in May 2011, and will be based in the world of the globally successful film franchise, incorporating storylines, locations and characters from the first three films (The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End), as well as the upcoming fourth film.

Pirates of the Caribbean is a globally successful franchise based in action, adventure and humor perfectly suited for a LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game adaptation. Combining the excitement of playing as Jack Sparrow and other recognisable characters from the franchise will make the game fun for players of all ages throughout the world.
- Graham Hopper, executive vice president and general manager, Disney Interactive Studios.

The action-packed world of Pirates of the Caribbean is a perfect fit for LEGO video games. With so many wonderful characters, in such amazing environments, our teams are having great fun �" and we’re sure that players will, too.
- Tom Stone, Managing Director of TT Games Publishing.

Players can take on the roles of more than 70 characters and experience the pirate adventure, irreverent humour and amazing creatures of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, through action-adventure gameplay and hilariously quirky LEGO cut scenes. Throughout the game, players will also have the freedom to explore environments from the highly acclaimed movie series in more than 20 levels. The game features two-player cooperative mode, in which players each control a character to experience the story together, and freeplay mode, which lets players return to levels to discover new items.

What would you like to see from this game based on the fourth movie, and did you enjoy any of the previous video game tie-ins?

Box art for LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game

Traveller's Tales







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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I used to love the Lego games, but the game-breaking bugs in Harry Potter 1-4 with no patch (on PC) is inexcusable. Blatantly disregard for their fanbase.

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