Super Mario Bros. 3 DS Fan Remake

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.11.2010 16

Super Mario Bros. 3 DS Fan Remake on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have bundled Super Mario games for an anniversary collection, but one fan has taken Super Mario Bros 3 a step further...

Using NEW Super Mario Bros. for DS as a base, a hardcore programmer known as SKJmin has put together a complete remake of the 1988/89 NES classic, Super Mario Bros 3. using DS sprites and other nifty elements to bring it all together. The project also includes various popular levels from the complete Super Mario Bros franchise, and some brand new creations.

Our bottoms would be severely kicked if we were to share a download link, but a fifteen minute "launch" trailer should hopefully suffice:

Via NeoGAF

Box art for Super Mario Bros. 3





2D Platformer



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Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (22 Votes)

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Oh my god, that looks totally awesome. That guy has some mad programming skills right there.

( Edited 08.02.2013 12:53 by Guest )

I am astounded. This looks absolutely brilliant, something Nintendo should (probably will) do at somepoint. We all love new games, but remakes of the old would do just nicely!

Not the biggest fan of classic Mario myself, but do love the New Super Mario Bros Wii and DS engine, so this is a perfect combination!

If only it were official.

( Edited 08.02.2013 12:53 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

God bless the linkers =D. Can't wait to be tomorrow to try this out ^^.

( Edited 13.12.2012 04:49 by Guest )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Damien (guest) 12.11.2010#4

OMG where can I download?!!!

( Edited 07.02.2013 12:55 by Guest )

What platform is it on? Would be awesome if it runs on DS.

His YouTube video description says he'll have a download up on Friday (November 12th).

Looks bloody awesome.

PD (guest) 12.11.2010#7

jb said:
I am astounded. This looks absolutely brilliant, something Nintendo should (probably will) do at somepoint. We all love new games, but remakes of the old would do just nicely!

Not the biggest fan of classic Mario myself, but do love the New Super Mario Bros Wii and DS engine, so this is a perfect combination!

If only it were official.

It would have been awesome if Nintendo released something like this for the 25th anniversary of Mario, either for the wii or ds... but what do we get instead? a direct port of a goddamn old snes remake. GOOD JOB NINTENDO! i won’t be wasting my money on it.

Nice work to Skjmin though, looks like he’s added some nice challenge to the game.

Our member of the week

Canyarion said:
What platform is it on? Would be awesome if it runs on DS.

I think, but I might be wrong about that, that's it actually just a (huge) mod of the New Super Mario Bros. DS rom. So it's gonna run on DS and/or a DS emulator.

EDIT : It is indeed a patch for the NSMB rom. There seems to be an older beta version of the patch (thus incomplete) that can be downloaded from gbatemp

( Edited 12.11.2010 00:08 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

What impresses me more than the programming is the level design. Sure programming must take a lot of time and is probably difficult, but the engine was already built before. The level design, on the other hand, is incredible. This stuff reminds me a lot of the ingenuity that is Super Mario Galaxy 2.

I hope Nintendo pay attention. This is what they should have done. THe fact that it is just one guy is amazing.

The extra levels which look absolutely brilliant

Now this is what I call fan commitment!

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Tis out bitches. Won't post direct link, but just look in video description

I love level mods.
They have been going on a long time; Theres a complete editor for Mario World's Rom, for example. (Luner? SuperLuner? Cant quite remember the name).

But anyway, this one is particularly good.

To be honest though, I dont want remakes from Nintendo. I want level editors and online distribution and ranking of levels Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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To be honest, this fan made game looks more impressive.!
Super Mario Bros X
I haven't played either game yet though.

Robbie (guest) 20.11.2010#15


kimmy (guest) 22.11.2010#16

i have the game..its not fake,completely brilliant!!! mad props to the guy!!!

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