Miyamoto: 2D/3D Mario Games for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.11.2010 5

Miyamoto: 2D/3D Mario Games for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking to investors last week Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed that there'll be 2D and 3D Mario games for 3DS.

One of the points raised during the meeting was whether Nintendo would be making both types of games for the new system, given sales performance for New Super Mario Bros was far greater than the Super Mario Galaxy duo. Fortunately the Japanese giant will be crafting new games in both styles.

When Nintendo introduced Super Mario 64, Miyamoto felt that although there was a greater feeling of choice and exploration, it reduced the number of players who had enjoyed the far more linear approach of 2D Mario. To try and appeal to a wider audience again the concept was revised for Super Mario Galaxy, and although critically acclaimed didn't solve audience issues.

When asked 'what will we do on 3DS,' the answer is, of course, we'll make both. They both have their own appeal.

Miyamoto hopes the 3DS will give "a great feeling of existence to Mario, Link and others", through greater depth and different play styles in both the 2D and 3D Mario engines.

Specifics for both games are unknown, and whether they would follow an existing format (e.g. Galaxy or New Super Mario Bros).

Via Andriasang.

What Mario style do you prefer - 2D, 3D, both - or not really fond of Mario?

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I want a "New Super Mario Land", with shooting sections and a awesome Chinese themed level at the end.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I'll take any Mario game made by Miyamoto, whether it's 2D, 3D or both, it doesn't matter to me because I know that it'll be brilliant.

This is the news I was waiting for and we were all anticipating what the new Super Mario will be like. I like the mixture of 2D and 3D gameplay elements, makes the game more intriguing play like in Galaxy and Paper Mario.

I love both. Like Irfy said, I like games that mix 2D and 3D elements together. Makes the game more interesting.

...and I still say bring on 4D Smilie

Or maybe 3D where its a traditional 2D mario with direct controll of time as well. Games like PoP have had "rewind" which was cool, but I dont think a game has yet let you fully controll your movement though time as you do space. You'd need an analogue control for it. (so, maybe left/right on the 3ds slider for normal movement, and up/down for moving "pre" and "post" in the time axis).
This would let you run in both space and time at the same time. Lots of gameplay possibilitys Smilie
(and if Mario Galaxy and Portal have shown us its mind blowing physics is fun!)

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