New Resident Evil 3DS Gameplay Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.10.2010 21

New Resident Evil 3DS Gameplay Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom is bringing two Resident Evil games to Nintendo 3DS. Take a look at how Revelations is shaping up running on the handheld.

The new entry in the long-running survival horror series finds players once again taking the role of series protagonists Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield, using a similar engine and framework to Resident Evil 5.

The footage, via Kotaku, shows Japanese folk wandering down spooky corridors and getting to grips with the control setup - using the thumb-stick to move about, shoulder button to aim and face buttons to shoot.

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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It looks very impressive, but I hope they don't rush it out.

It's known as the "slide-pad", jb.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I was just looking at this and the Ocarina of time one, looks great, I can't wait to play the proper demos.

Also, I like the way it points the gun in game, definitely helps with the small screen.

As usual, it has horrible stiff controls and a camera glued behind the character.

Not interested.

( Edited 26.10.2010 20:15 by Marzy )

You not a fan of that kinda view Marzy? Over shoulder view?
I love the way the games shaping up but I dunno what to think of the 1st person view when you aim in. If there's an option for 3rd person aiming as well then I'll be happy either way Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I never really liked the over-shoulder view, especially in Resident Evil games.

Ahh right fair enough.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I'm definitely going to be getting this game when it comes out! I love Resident Evil and having it in 3D is going to rock!

Nosey Nosemeister (guest) 27.10.2010#8

I am looking forward to the 3DS so much and think it will probably sell about 15M units the first year. Of course, there are others that are just Sony or MS fanboys out there who are jealous that Nintendo thought of this first. Why not give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt and see how the actual released game plays before making negative comments?

I thought the controls in RE4 were very accessible. If the controls are similar, it should be very fun to play.

Marzy said:
I never really liked the over-shoulder view, especially in Resident Evil games.

It's to set the atmosphere more then anything else, isn't it? It's like you are the character. First person without all the annoying shit that goes along with a first person viewpoint (I'm not a first person fan).

So yeh, I don't think it would work as well any other way.

The slide-pad looks a bit wobbly...

And wow, I understood a Japanese word: honto!

It's not just the camera though, the controls a sluggish and stiff. The camera contributes to that problem, I think.

It doesn't matter what I think though, buy what you enjoy. Smilie

( Edited 26.10.2010 22:28 by Marzy )

I can see where marzy is coming from, i dont like when ur running and all of a sudden u have to stop, turn then run again, jus doesnt seem... right. You wouldnt do that in real life especially if your running down a corridor... Run stop, slowly turn and continue running. lol

Looking pretty good. I don't think it controls as stiff as it appears; The guy playing it probably just sucks bawlz judging by the rest of the vid Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I hope there are touch controls for shooting. I hate aiming with analogue sticks. Its really slow.

JB (guest) 27.10.2010#16

Squidboy said:
It looks very impressive, but I hope they don't rush it out.

It's known as the "slide-pad", jb.

Thumbstick sounds better!

eric (guest) 27.10.2010#17

I really don't like how they made it switch from 3rd person to first person when you are using the gun...And looks like you can move while in first person...its going to be a super frustrating game.

eric (guest) said:
I really don't like how they made it switch from 3rd person to first person when you are using the gun...And looks like you can move while in first person...its going to be a super frustrating game.

The switch seems instant and seamless. I don't think it'll be frustrating.

I prefer the "over the shoulder" camera over the "no camera" from the first couple of RE games.

So aiming is done in first-person, MGS-style? Hmmm. There'd better be a shoot-from-the-hip option, or that might get frustrating in more intense situations.

EdEN said:
I prefer the "over the shoulder" camera over the "no camera" from the first couple of RE games.
Same here.

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