Nintendo Selling Up to 46,000 Wii Remotes a Day

By 26.10.2010 8

Nintendo Selling Up to 46,000 Wii Remotes a Day on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst Nintendo has stated that Apple are becoming a bigger threat than Microsoft, when it comes to handheld devices, the company can still proudly boast about their success with motion controlled gaming, with the Wii. Sony recently released their motion controller, Move, which Sony claim is more precise than the Wii Remote and Microsoft are also readying the release their camera device, Kinect. Sony and Microsoft will have a lot of catching up to do though, with Nintendo now claiming, on average, they sell up to 46,000 Wii Remotes a day and that’s just in the US.

Overall, Nintendo have sold more than a whooping 65 million of the controllers, since the launch of the system, back in 2006. NPD have provided a detailed breakdown of sales for Wii Remotes for the US only, which reveals smaller sales in the Pink and Blue coloured Wii Remotes, but strong sales elsewhere. The details can be seen below.

• 30.41 million included with the Wii hardware
• 12.92 million sold with Wii Play
• 18.56 million white versions sold separately
• 2.44 million black versions sold separately
• 467,500 pink versions sold separately
• 465,200 blue versions sold separately

NPD also revealed details on the separately sold Nunchuck accessory, with overall sales hitting 52.9 million, in the US.

Nintendo also plans to release its combined MotionPlus Wii Remote next month, which will boost sales even more for the device. The new Wii Remote Plus will launch on November 7th, in the US and European gamers will be able to get their hands on it two days earlier, on November 5th. Colours will come in White, Black, Blue and Pink.

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Good god...and this is only in the US. Now imagine that plus the rest of the world. Smilie

Anyone notice how expensive controllers are now-a-days?
In the old days you could get one for �£20, this gen it's more like �£25 plus nun-chuck and wii motion plus. Not to mention the stupidity of being a specific controller just for one game (guitar hero etc.)
Tbf the vast majority of my time spent on the Wii is with a Cube controller anyway (Brawl, Mario Kart, Cube Games, Virtual Console...)

Looking at that figure for the pink and blue controllers, it's pretty damn impressive since they've not been out on the Market for very long. The black controller is stunning, though, again in a short time it's raked in such a large number!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Cheesing it up said:
Anyone notice how expensive controllers are now-a-days?
In the old days you could get one for ��£20,

Not wireless you couldn't.
And back "in the old days" wireless meant terrible infer-red that didnt work most of the time. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I wonder how many Motion+ they are selling? Or, when it is released, the Wiimote+. I know I'm getting one with Flingsmash next month.

Darkflame said:
Cheesing it up said:
Anyone notice how expensive controllers are now-a-days?
In the old days you could get one for ����£20,

Not wireless you couldn't.
And back "in the old days" wireless meant terrible infer-red that didnt work most of the time.

I'm not fussed about wireless, I'd rather have a cheaper controller. Like I said, I use Cube controllers most of the time.

( Edited 31.10.2010 22:27 by Cheesing it up )

The Wii remote plus is going to sell for $40, though. That's pretty amazing considering the old remote with the Motion Plus accesory was $55. Hopefully places will allow you to trade in towards the new remotes.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Definitely want to kit up with black Wii Remotes/classic controller pros at some point, but still very much expensive. Might try some of the clones, but they look a little too tacky.

I wish the Classic Controller (pro) functioned like the GameCube Wavebird controller via wireless, would make so much more sense than being tethered to a remote. Urgh! Would love a load of Wavebirds too - they were brill.

Anyone remember how expensive the N64 controllers were? I was about 9 when those came out and remember them being pretty costly!

( Edited 28.10.2010 01:47 by jb )

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