Reggie: Apple is Biggest Threat to Nintendo

By 25.10.2010 21

Reggie: Apple is Biggest Threat to Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

According to Nintendo of America's President, Reggie Fils-Aime, Apple are a bigger threat to Nintendo than Microsoft in terms of competition on the gaming front. In a recent stop by interview in San-Francisco by Forbes, he said the following things about Nintendo's competition and what gives Nintendo the edge:

It’s all about time,

I compete with Zynga, I compete with surfing the net, I compete with the newspaper.

Then when asked about the iPad/iPhone

Do I think that in the near term they can hurt us more than Microsoft?


He also said that where he feels Nintendo has the edge with their handhelds is that although the iPod format has small games like " Angry Birds", Nintendo have a many games that are a lot more time consuming. Reggie even says that he's played over 150 hours of Dragon Quest IX himself.

Are Apple a bigger threat to Nintendo than say Microsoft? What do you think of Reggie's comments on the competition?

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Reggie even says that he's played over 150 hours of Dragon Quest IX himself.

THATS Nintendo's biggest threat Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Wow, 150 hours DQ IX? Even I didn't play that much.

I think he's right in what he says, in some ways the iPhone/Touch/Pad will affect Nintendo DS sales, and even maybe 3DS sales, but yet again they are different formats, and dedicated gaming handhelds can offer more on the gaming front than Apple's products at this moment in time.

Death to Apple! Smilie

Apple is very healthy competition, it encourages Nintendo to innovate and follow interesting trends.

Nintendo's handheld are strong competition too, its pretty hard for something like the iPod Touch to break the DS audience.

With Nintendo realizing who their competition is, what they are doing currently, and what they are capable of is helping them (Nintendo) continue to be innovated and push themselves to develop better software and products. They may not do the 1000's of apps or have the best graphics for a gaming system, but their approach to their products is definitely helping them stay on top of the rest, or at least most of the time anyway. Smilie

150 hrs Smilie

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Jim (guest) 25.10.2010#9

He probably left it on while it was charging for a week and forgot about it.

I think if Nintendo embraced homebrew and created a store to sell these small independent games on the 3DS, it would greatly help it fight Apple's growth into the games market.

Yoshindo (guest) 26.10.2010#11

Nintendo does need the free/.99 cent to $2 game/app market because I am an app fanatic on my iPhone 4 and it would certainly be nice to be able to access cheap, addicting games on my future 3DS. I just hope that the 3DS finally gets the online marketplace right this time.

Darkflame said:
Reggie even says that he's played over 150 hours of Dragon Quest IX himself.

THATS Nintendo's biggest threat Smilie

moot is the cancer that's killing /b/.

Once the 3DS debuts, there'll probably already be tons of cheap DSiware available for it, maybe even some 3DSware.

PMD said:
I think if Nintendo embraced homebrew and created a store to sell these small independent games on the 3DS, it would greatly help it fight Apple's growth into the games market.

If they can make a bigger Game Maker program than Warioware DiY, it can really happen. They could release beta software with some beta 3DS' to a select group of small indie developers and have them create some pretty awesome titles.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

That's what I've been saying for ages. Apple products are a real threat.

I realised this when I discovered I was spending on iTunes on a whim and constantly browsing through apps, not leaving enough money to buy the Nintendo games I want. I'm a hardened Nintendo fan and love buying Nintendo games. So if they can take away money from my Nintendo fund they can do it with others. If Nintendo can create an easy and quick online shop, then I think they can go some way towards balancing things out.

The problem isn't about games by themselves. It's about how easy it is to fritter away money buying movies, music, games, apps, music videos and TV shows on your device in seconds, without really thinking too much about it. Buying those kind of products in the past didn't affect my game buying, but now it does, because it's so easy.

Nintendo need to take a similar approach to apple to start making the playing ground more even. They need to make 3DS have a more streamlined shopping experience and be able to buy things which can make the 3DS more useful and multi funtional. Long gone are the days when your technology only does one thing (like it or not).

I still think Apple store games wont be profitable for long.
Theres is lots of superb ones, for sure.
But no moreso then what you can play on Newgrounds for free (in fact, many are ports) :? Small lowbudget yet free and innovative games have been around for decades online. The only reason why they arn't on phones is a combination of Apples anti-flash standpoint and phone hardware being behind PCs. Android+600mhz and above phones being standard/low end sold now close's this gap quite a bit.

Portability is cool, but not for the price, and not when we are living in an age when basically all our devices are getting stupidly powerfull and with full online ability's. A year or two and it will be hard pushed to sale some of the current best saleing appstore games...because there will be free ones by just going to a url.

Thats not to say Nintendo shouldn't have a homebrew distribution system, merely I think its Apple that has a timelimit on how much longer they can keep saleing low-end appstore games.

( Edited 25.10.2010 21:34 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
I still think Apple store games wont be profitable for long.
Theres is lots of superb ones, for sure.
But no moreso then what you can play on Newgrounds for free (in fact, many are ports) :? Small lowbudget yet free and innovative games have been around for decades online. The only reason why they arn't on phones is a combination of Apples anti-flash standpoint and phone hardware being behind PCs. Android+600mhz and above phones being standard/low end sold now close's this gap quite a bit.

Portability is cool, but not for the price, and not when we are living in an age when basically all our devices are getting stupidly powerfull and with full online ability's. A year or two and it will be hard pushed to sale some of the current best saleing appstore games...because there will be free ones by just going to a url.

Thats not to say Nintendo shouldn't have a homebrew distribution system, merely I think its Apple that has a timelimit on how much longer they can keep saleing low-end appstore games.

I think the stuff you will be able to buy will always have a significant advantage. Web browsers and their protocols lack a lot of what they should have because of the way standardizing works with the w3 and worldwide version control.

Not to mention that online is fun, but continuing dependance on a network isn't - game apps fix those issues.

They'll always be a step ahead and therefore be with us for quite some time. That and the ease of use, the streamlined experience and budget-friendlyness (but very profitable, make no mistake) of lots of offers will hurt nintendo.

Apple will grow to be the biggest company in the world soon. They won't be slowing down either.

iPods, iPads, iPhones etc, aren't designed for games and therefore aren't competition.

I think the stuff you will be able to buy will always have a significant advantage. Web browsers and their protocols lack a lot of what they should have because of the way standardizing works with the w3 and worldwide version control.

Not really, no.
Flash is an independent program and not limited by web standards. Its embeded in a page, but other then that its it on thing.
Its just cpu power holding it back there really.

Javascript, meanwhile, is limited to some extent, but with Canvas you can practically do anything visually. With WebGL you get OpenGL/3D stuff.
Theres even new HTML5 hocks for various accelerators/sensors of a device.

Google ported Quake2 recently to javascript;
And a few more advanced (online) demos here;

Its going to be a good 2 years for this to be standard, but most appstore stuff doesn't need more then what we have already.

Not to mention that online is fun, but continuing dependance on a network isn't - game apps fix those issues.

Allthough its totaly possible on pc to cache a flash app and just play it offline, it wouldn't take much to do that on a phone.
Javascript much the same. (Google Gmail has worked offline for quite awhile).

Its just a combination of time, and what Apple allows on their phones.
Apple might block flash and argue some FUD to get away with it, but I dought they will ever do the same to Javascript.

They'll always be a step ahead and therefore be with us for quite some time. That and the ease of use, the streamlined experience and budget-friendlyness (but very profitable, make no mistake) of lots of offers will hurt nintendo.

Its profitable for Apple, jury's still out on how profitable it is for a typical App-store developer. For every low-budget big hit, theres a thousand failures.

Besides, the argument is against the low-end stuff. If that can be replaced by "free" - and it can. Then the market evaporates.

That still leaves the digital distribution market in general - which is more cost effective indeed -. So $15-30 games are still viable.

But I dont see these $2 games lasting unless they get a hell of a lot better then what we can play for free on notebooks right now. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I don't think Apple's a serious competitor for several reasons. Why do people buy iPods, iPhones, and iPads? For their primary use of song players, cell phones, and tablets. If there's someone out there who buys an Apple product solely for the apps market, then they've gotta change their priorities. Secondly, jailbreaking has become way more common. About half the people I know who have Apple products have had their items jailbroken. The only real negative to this is that you break the warranty, and some don't even see that as an excuse not to. Also, Apple themselves doesn't make first party games like Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony. I'll only see them as a competition when they come out with their own console, if they do that is.

nice topic....

but as Apple maybe seen as Nintendo's competition kind of.

I see Android in the mix too, slowly disrupting Apple's (iphone line) momentum.

It's great to see an exec be honest about who is dominating the electronics market. Let's just hope that Apple doesn't launch a console/handheld for all the self-consumed nerds to buy on a whim.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

iPhone - good for Apps. Not the best for media imo (due to conversion and lack of disk storage/drag and drop).
It's games have potential visually but the lack of dedicated face buttons holds it back imo.

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