Want NBA Jam in the UK? Go to HMV

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.10.2010 3

Want NBA Jam in the UK? Go to HMV on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

UK entertainment retailer HMV has current exclusive rights to the Wii version of EA's basketball revival, NBA Jam.

Released yesterday in the UK, the new game will only be available in-store or on the retailer's online page. At the moment other major retailers aren't shipping the game, however most do have NBA Jam for Wii listed as 2011.

So by the looks of things if you're gagging for that retro basketball action with some neat modern features, then HMV is your man, or well, dog!

Box art for NBA Jam








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Our member of the week

Shame for those kids who can't order online and don't have a HMV store in their area.

Seems like a pretty stupid decision to me, from a marketting perspective.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Weird. I hate store-exclusives, really pointless imo and *could* potentially hurt sales for the game - especially if people don't know. Looks like the other stores get the game in early 2011.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Shopping at HMV is very popular around this time of year...

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