Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

By 19.10.2010 53

Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated* on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Take a deep breath and try to relax for the next few moments you read this. Ready?... okay, today Level-5 held a press conference named Level-5 Vision, in which they revealed new titles that are currently in development by the company. During the presentation, a huge surprise arose and the company revealed that a new game is in the works, which crosses over two game series.

The Ace Attoreny designer, Shu Takumi, took to the stage, along with Level-5 CEO, Akihiro Hino and announced that Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright will be appearing in a new game together. The game is set to hit Nintendo's new handheld, the Nintendo 3DS. The Japanese title has also been announced as Layton Kyouju vs Gyakuten Saiban, but no English title has been officially confirmed yet.

The games story will see the pair go to a different world, that features a medieval styled look to it.

A teaser site has also been put in place.

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

No release date has been confirmed, as of yet.


Since the announcement, fans have been celebrating in droves with an array of great fan art. Check some of it out via the jump below.

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*


Box art for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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This is the most exciting news in videogames, for the whole of this year. It's more exciting than E3, for me.

I've literally been shaking with excitement.

This is very possibly the greatest gaming announcement of all time.

I can barely comprehend this games existence, but oh fuck.
I've lost count of how many times I've had to change my pants today.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This game's going to be so awesome...

Fantasy Life has switched platforms and is now a 3DS game - there will be no DS version.

Time Travellers has been confirmed as a 3DS game, as many expected it was previously.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I have yet to play any game in either the Ace Attorney or Professor Layton series. But even the few responses to this news from you guys has made me think I really need to find a copy of them.

Azuardo said:
I have yet to play any game in either the Ace Attorney or Professor Layton series. But even the few responses to this news from you guys has made me think I really need to find a copy of them.


Get on that ASAP, mkay.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Mason (guest) 19.10.2010#6

Incredible news. Top of my 'want' list on announcement alone.

Azuardo said:
I have yet to play any game in either the Ace Attorney or Professor Layton series. But even the few responses to this news from you guys has made me think I really need to find a copy of them.

Yea, I'm right there with you. Though, my problem is that there are too many great games I don't have yet and more coming out constantly. I just found a copy of The World Ends With You(which still needs to arrive) and money is getting really tight, especially because I need to save up for the 3DS.

Haha, great idea. I've never played either of those game series, but it looks really interesting.

Lol, we haven't seen the rest of the Layton games in the west yet and they've announced ANOTHER one?! D: Mind you, I guess it's okay since it isn't part of the main series.

Yeah, the prices I've seen for both series' games haven't been particularly low, but I will make sure to eventually get around to bagging them and playing them.

I too have an absolute ton of games in my collection that I need to play - mostly PS2 and DS games, so any of these games will just get added to the pile.

That said, I'm gonna look online right now for them and see what prices I can find.

Edit: Ugh, too expensive :/ Anyone willing to sell these games cheap? XD

( Edited 19.10.2010 19:19 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:

Edit: Ugh, too expensive :/ Anyone willing to sell these games cheap? XD

If you have an iThing or a Wii you could download the first 3 Ace Attorney games for pretty cheap.

However you'd have to get Investigations and Apollo Justice on DS.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

I've lost count of how many times I've had to change my pants today.

Copycat! Though I've had to do my Laundry just to put some fresh ones on, ah damn, there it goes again *fishes out clean pair*

Echoes221 said:

Copycat! Though I've had to do my Laundry just to put some fresh ones on, ah damn, there it goes again *fishes out clean pair*

Nosir I found out like a whole hour b4 u and had already changed my pants like 3-4 times by that point so U R D COPYCAT.

So give me that TM31 Mimic before I asdf.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ah, but why did you two change your pants?

"Oh...My. This one is quite formidable."

SuperLink said:
Echoes221 said:

Copycat! Though I've had to do my Laundry just to put some fresh ones on, ah damn, there it goes again *fishes out clean pair*

Nosir I found out like a whole hour b4 u and had already changed my pants like 3-4 times by that point so U R D COPYCAT.

So give me that TM31 Mimic before I asdf.

But you never mentioned before me that pantages had been changed Smilie
Can't wait for this, I've completed the ace attorney series three or four times now, it seems to be the easiest holiday game to play Smilie I need to get my self MEI soonish too, want to play through that.

Marzy said:
Ah, but why did you two change your pants?

"Oh...My. This one is quite formidable."

This reminds me of a puzzle.

Echoes221 said:

But you never mentioned before me that pantages had been changed Smilie

I did just not on Facebook Arceus. :c

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Superlink Said:
I did just not on Facebook Arceus. :c

"Well I suppose I thought wrong"

"Hmm, just a minute Superlink, this washing line of boxers reminds me of a puzzle I once heard"
Puzzle 075 60 Picrats


( Edited 19.10.2010 19:53 by Echoes221 )

Echoes221 said:

"Well I suppose I thought wrong"

"Hmm, just a minute Superlink, this washing line of boxers reminds me of a puzzle I once heard"
Puzzle 075 60 Picrats


Professah, I've solved it!

( Edited 19.10.2010 19:59 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So much win in this news article. Amazing

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

This has officially sparked a C3gasm.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.


please just take my money <3


Two of my favourite series all in one? HOLY SH-BOOOOOOM.

Sorry that I'm overreacting, but this is FREAKING EPIC. JUST. EPIC. I mentioned how epic PW gameplay and PL gameplay would be together, but now my dreams have come true <33333

All I need is for Edgey and Pearly and Gummy with the PW gang, and lets add Flora in too. Even it they're just cameos that be epic. Capcom, Level 5, you can have all the money I ever earn for eternity. DO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNT. SmilieDDDDDDD.....Smilie

( Edited 20.10.2010 02:06 by Moogi )

I haven't been this excited in a long time! Smilie

I've realised we've already had a cream pie fest on this thread, but I'd like to add my entry into the contest. I better get my pants washed quickly before they start to harden. Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09


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