Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

By 19.10.2010 53

Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated* on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Take a deep breath and try to relax for the next few moments you read this. Ready?... okay, today Level-5 held a press conference named Level-5 Vision, in which they revealed new titles that are currently in development by the company. During the presentation, a huge surprise arose and the company revealed that a new game is in the works, which crosses over two game series.

The Ace Attoreny designer, Shu Takumi, took to the stage, along with Level-5 CEO, Akihiro Hino and announced that Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright will be appearing in a new game together. The game is set to hit Nintendo's new handheld, the Nintendo 3DS. The Japanese title has also been announced as Layton Kyouju vs Gyakuten Saiban, but no English title has been officially confirmed yet.

The games story will see the pair go to a different world, that features a medieval styled look to it.

A teaser site has also been put in place.

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

No release date has been confirmed, as of yet.


Since the announcement, fans have been celebrating in droves with an array of great fan art. Check some of it out via the jump below.

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*

Image for Layton and Phoenix Wright Crossover Gets Revealed *Updated*


Box art for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney








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Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yo Dawg, I heard you like court cases so I put puzzles in your cases so you can solve while you puzzle.

I'm part way through the second games of both series. Need to get a move on. Smilie

Echoes221 said:
Yo Dawg, I heard you like court cases so I put puzzles in your cases so you can solve while you puzzle.

Your new sig is probably the greatest sig on the face of the internet.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sorry for the double post but the attention whores at Capcom are saying if we don't shout on their blog they might not localise it.

Or something like that.
So be a dear and shout at those meanies.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

Sorry for the double post but the attention whores at Capcom are saying if we don't shout on their blog they might not localise it.

Or something like that.
So be a dear and shout at those meanies.

Da fuck man.. DA FUCK?
If this doesn't get localised, there will be rage. RAGE AND DEATH I TELLS YA. D:

This time, the puzzles are filled with contradictions!


It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Started saving for it the second I found out about it.

Is that site even official? xD

And I really don't think they'd avoid American release. They tend to take longer, anyway.

(one Layton game has been out since November 2009, and most Layton games take about two years to get to America :/) (on the other hand, AAI took less than, but close to a year to get American release...I'd use the main AA series but keep in mind they were in Japan only for an entire generation of gaming, and I don't really care about looking up AJ Smilie)

Besides, if it didn't get American release, fans would rage horribly, and there'd be plenty of importing and emulation. Even then, fans wouldn't forgive Capcom OR Level-5 until it was released (BTW, TvC was supposed to be Japan-exclusive but fan demand led Capcom to take the pain of earning permission to the characters so the game could be exported)

Tl;dr: I'll blow up Japan if this game stays in Japan. Not after raiding Capcom and Level-5's storage of games, though... ;P

Moogi said:
Is that site even official? xD

Yeah Capcom Unity is Capcom's main community website/blog/thing.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Be stupid not to release it since Layton+Europe=Cash.

An idiot online (guest) 21.10.2010#37

Azuardo said:
I have yet to play any game in either the Ace Attorney or Professor Layton series. But even the few responses to this news from you guys has made me think I really need to find a copy of them.
Heck Yeah! Smilie

Moogi said:
Is that site even official? xD

And I really don't think they'd avoid American release. They tend to take longer, anyway.

(one Layton game has been out since November 2009, and most Layton games take about two years to get to America :/) (on the other hand, AAI took less than, but close to a year to get American release...I'd use the main AA series but keep in mind they were in Japan only for an entire generation of gaming, and I don't really care about looking up AJ Smilie)

Besides, if it didn't get American release, fans would rage horribly, and there'd be plenty of importing and emulation. Even then, fans wouldn't forgive Capcom OR Level-5 until it was released (BTW, TvC was supposed to be Japan-exclusive but fan demand led Capcom to take the pain of earning permission to the characters so the game could be exported)

Tl;dr: I'll blow up Japan if this game stays in Japan. Not after raiding Capcom and Level-5's storage of games, though... ;P

What about us Europeans/Brits? D:
Lol jk.

Echoes221 said:
Be stupid not to release it since Layton+Europe=Cash.

Well, especially Brits. The two main characters be Brits. (By two main characters, I mean from the Layton series. Smilie) Also Luke's UK voice > Luke's US voice. I know I've said it before.. but I feel like it has to be said again. Smilie

( Edited 20.10.2010 22:59 by Mush123 )

Updated OP.

Love the first image Smilie

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Magna (guest) 21.10.2010#40

Mush123 said:
What about us Europeans/Brits? D:
Lol jk.

I like your distinction between Europeans and British �_�

Anyways, I'm fairly sure that it'll be released worldwide eventually.

Mush123 said:
Also Luke's UK voice > Luke's US voice. I know I've said it before.. but I feel like it has to be said again. Smilie

I guess I agree. His UK voice definitely has more contextual value, even if it's arguably slightly more annoying.

( Edited 21.10.2010 16:46 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Mush123 said:
Also Luke's UK voice > Luke's US voice. I know I've said it before.. but I feel like it has to be said again. Smilie

I guess I agree. His UK voice definitely has more contextual value, even if it's arguably slightly more annoying.

Isn't his purpose to be the Professor's annoying sidekick/assistant? Smilie

Mush123 said:

Isn't his purpose to be the Professor's annoying sidekick/assistant? Smilie

No his purpose is to be a shota for the fangirls to draw.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I prefer the American voice for Luke. The UK voice is just a stereotypical cockney accent and sounds like he's got something stuck in his nasal passage, which I find grates on my ears.

( Edited 21.10.2010 17:37 by Marzy )

I was online when level 5 announced this, and I was super hyper and I still am but Smilie8)SmilieSmilieSmilie

still waiting for ace attorney 5 or it is the 4th game,

3ds Smilie

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

Parkrer said:
till waiting for ace attorney 5 or it is the 4th game,

The last mainseries game to come out was Apollo Justice (AA4)

Since then there are two spin-offs focused on Edgeworth. So while AA5 hasn't been announced yet there are 6 AA games.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Mush123 said:

Isn't his purpose to be the Professor's annoying sidekick/assistant? Smilie

No his purpose is to be a shota for the fangirls to draw.
Well.. let's not go there. Smilie

Marzy said:
I prefer the American voice for Luke. The UK voice is just a stereotypical cockney accent and sounds like he's got something stuck in his nasal passage, which I find grates on my ears.

I think that's the whole point, he asks too many questions. "Professah, why this, why that?"

Sorry, Mush >.<

Being a Canadian, I'm always stuck following American releases instead. Never actually knew Layton was popular in UK xD

I guess it makes no difference since we're side by side and everything. Although, I'd rather we get UK release D:

Most games end up with favorite instead of favourite and colors instead of colours... I wonder how Sega's doing with Sonic Colo(u)rs release? If it comes out as Colors, I'm importing from UK xD /overly picky

Moogi said:
Sorry, Mush >.<

Being a Canadian, I'm always stuck following American releases instead. Never actually knew Layton was popular in UK xD

I guess it makes no difference since we're side by side and everything. Although, I'd rather we get UK release D:

Most games end up with favorite instead of favourite and colors instead of colours... I wonder how Sega's doing with Sonic Colo(u)rs release? If it comes out as Colors, I'm importing from UK xD /overly picky

I was joking, but you can't seriously think Layton isn't popular in the UK? Smilie
Layton and Luke are British, you know. Plus the games are set in fantasy UK.

Mush123 said:

I was joking, but you can't seriously think Layton isn't popular in the UK? Smilie
Layton and Luke are British, you know. Plus the games are set in fantasy UK.

That alone isn't nearly enough to sell a game though.

The reason it sold so well here is the way it was branded and marketed, almost like a casual game, it gave the game an amazing headstart in UK and now the brand has great face-value here.

Mush123 said:

I think that's the whole point, he asks too many questions. "Professah, why this, why that?"

That and well, considering the time and setting, his UK voice is more accurate to what it would have been like.

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