Cubed3 Talks to Propaganda About Tron Wii

By Adam Riley 18.10.2010 3

Cubed3 Talks to Propaganda About Tron Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Cubed3's Stuart Lawrence recently got the chance to have a quick chat about TRON Evolution: Battle Grids on Nintendo Wii with Propaganda Games. TRON Evolution: Battle Grids for Wii is an action-packed game set within the combat arenas and mysterious cities of the TRON world. Each of the different platform releases give fans a unique way to battle and explore the TRON universe alone or with friends and family. Whilst Darren Hedges, Director of the TRON Evolution titles at Propaganda Games, was on-hand to demonstrate the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, he took some time out to chat briefly about the Wii game, overseen by n-Space. In the chat, which can be heard below, he touches upon the Wii version's development, online functions and even squeezes in a little exclusive confirmation of a secret 3DS edition.

Check out the embedded version at the link below, or choose to directly download the file using the second link:

TRON Evolution: Battle Grids on Wii is due out in Europe on 26th November, with the movie TRON Legacy following on 17th December.

Box art for Tron Evolution: Battle Grids








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I cringe when I hear my voice. Darren's a great guy to interview, he's very upfront and excited about the game.

Propaganda just fired a huge load of people after they cancelled a Pirates game. A friend (forum buddy) used to work there.

Well done, Stu. A nice interview. Smilie

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