One Tap Shortcuts in Super Street Fighter IV for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.10.2010 12

One Tap Shortcuts in Super Street Fighter IV for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has posted official details for the upcoming 3DS port of Super Street Fighter IV. First up, touch screen shortcuts.

Since the Nintendo Conference last month Capcom have kept rather quiet on the details but have now revealed a little bit more about the new system. On the official site (translation via Andriasang), we learn that you'll be able to map up to four moves onto the bottom screen, including ultra combos, throws, focus attacks and regular special moves. Even assign punches to each of the panels, just for a laugh.

Those who don't want to go as far as mapping 1 button hadoukens can also tap in combination presses - for example high and low punch together.

Image for One Tap Shortcuts in Super Street Fighter IV for 3DS
Box art for Super Street Fighter IV








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Tap 1 to win.

I think the touch screen interface looks a little ugly, but at least it's functional.

Yoshindo (guest) 16.10.2010#2

PMD said:
Tap 1 to win.

I think the touch screen interface looks a little ugly, but at least it's functional.

That picture is probably just an early build of the game. Hopefully the actual interface will look better.

That'll make it both easier and harder to play depending on what you map on to the screen.

For me, unless it's a finishing move, I think I'll stick to the buttons.

dumbing down of games.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Well, fighting games can really be hard at times with pulling off some combos. I have Soul Calibur II and there are a good amount of combos that are extremely hard or almost impossible to pull off, and that only in Training Mode and not in an actual battle.

So yea, this is probably an attempt to attract a wider audience.

This is KIIIIIINDA cool....still I feel this cheats all of us hardcore fighters who've been playing since the SNES days. Well it's good to have it for the new fighting generation, I won't be using this neat little feature though. Gotta stay PURE!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Martin_ said:
The bitwhere he says about making the game 'easier to play' worries me, and reminds me of the horrible EO control system on Capcom Vs SNK 2 for GameCube and Xbox. 3DS has enough buttons, don't simplify the controls.

Martin_ said:
Martin_ said:
The bitwhere he says about making the game 'easier to play' worries me, and reminds me of the horrible EO control system on Capcom Vs SNK 2 for GameCube and Xbox. 3DS has enough buttons, don't simplify the controls.

Probably nothing more than being extra 'buttons.'

You don't HAVE to touch the touch-screen, do you? It's a welcome addition for me, as depending on the d-pad I'm using (as I don't have the money for or amount of fighting-games to justify the purchase of an arcade-stick) I either rock completely at doing combos, or suck major bawlz.

Haven't tried the 3DS' pad yet, but on X360 I sucked bawlz. Nintendo D-pads never really let me down before, though. Not even the GC one.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

This is crap crappity crapsville, shoulda left it alone!!!!

looks like we can actually call the buttom mashers out...LOL

Street Fighter is about mastery of the game, mastery of the moves, finding your ideal character and sticking with them, learning everything about them. All this does is basically, unlock 8-4 at the start of Super Mario Bros, yeah you can play through and earn your reward, or just have it straight from the word go. I HATE that they've done this

Both the PS3 and 360 controller have extra buttons mapped to All Punch and All Kick, why didn't just just map them to the touch screen?

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