Super Mario All-Stars Wii Gets European Release Date

By 07.10.2010 18

Super Mario All-Stars Wii Gets European Release Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced today, that the Mario 25th Anniversary Collection which is set to hit Japan on October 21st, will be heading to Europe this winter. Super Mario All-Stars will be hitting European stores on December 3rd 2010.

The retro collection will include the same exclusive content as the Japanese version, which will include a CD soundtrack featuring music spanning from Super Mario Bros., to Mario's latest adventure, Super Mario Galaxy 2. Not only that, but it comes with a special booklet showing the history of Mario, which features previously unseen artwork and development materials.

The disc comes loaded with a port of Super Mario All-Stars, which was originally for the Super Nintendo. Mario fans can enjoy a selection of his older games, with Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels.

Also releasing on the same day, Mario's old nemesis will be heading to the Wii, in Donkey Kong Country Returns.

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Now will it be coming to North America?



So chances are we'll get it in the Americas in December before christmas.

So, no price for Europe? That would give us an idea of the price here. My guess is $29.99-39.99.

@Canyarion: Why not both?

( Edited 07.10.2010 17:28 by EdEN )

I would put that > facing the other way! Though I'll probably buy DK anyway, something's GOT to be able to get me off MH Tri!!!!

Where to pre-order?

I have this cartridge for my SNES. It is pretty dope, but is well lame in this context. Mario deserved so much better for his 25th.

C3 News Article said:
The disc comes loaded with a port emulated ROM of Super Mario All-Stars, which was originally for the Super Nintendo


Cool combo this Christmas.

Nintendo have released two new wallpapers:

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

They could have easily added Super Mario World or Super Mario 64 to this collection...kind of a wasted opportunity. But I'll get it for the special stuff and because I don't have them on VC anyways.

I wonder if The Legend of Zelda will get something like this too for its 25th birthday next year.

SirLink said:
They could have easily added Super Mario World or Super Mario 64 to this collection...kind of a wasted opportunity. But I'll get it for the special stuff and because I don't have them on VC anyways.

I wonder if The Legend of Zelda will get something like this too for its 25th birthday next year.

No Super Mario World..? But, I remember that being on SMA? Smilie

SICK!!! Me want!! I hope this gets a US release. Smilie

After checking out the screens, I noticed Ninty added widescreen support for the SMC port, which is awesome. Smilie

I simply HAVE to have the epic extra goodies that are included, but I can't help but wish Ninty would release SMAS on VC instead, and the extra goodies separately (say as part of Club Nintendo). SMAS being on a disc while all the other Mario classics being on VC is going to drive my OCD NUTS!

Chance favors the prepared mind.
capt xena aka maia jones (guest) 08.10.2010#12

wow it been 25 years wow has it really been that long I am 34 years old so I remeber the old school nes and super mario bros I wish still owned a old school nes mario and duck hunt were the da bomb some are too young to remeber thoose days but the first nes was my childhood Infact I found a place that sell old school nes and other old school systems and games

Look, I own all the games in a separate cart (except, of course, for SMB2: Lost Levels) AND own Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES and I'd still buy this for the soundtrack, packaging and booklet. That by itself is worth $20.

EdEN said:
Look, I own all the games in a separate cart (except, of course, for SMB2: Lost Levels) AND own Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES and I'd still buy this for the soundtrack, packaging and booklet. That by itself is worth $20.

Agreed. Smilie Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Sadly, Mario World never appeared on All Stars, at least, not in the version I had on the SNES. Price needs to be available, and like Irfy said, where to pre order

Scorp said:
Sadly, Mario World never appeared on All Stars, at least, not in the version I had on the SNES. Price needs to be available, and like Irfy said, where to pre order

Why did my version have SMW in it then? Smilie Unless I got some special/limited edition version.

Mush123 said:
Scorp said:
Sadly, Mario World never appeared on All Stars, at least, not in the version I had on the SNES. Price needs to be available, and like Irfy said, where to pre order

Why did my version have SMW in it then? Smilie Unless I got some special/limited edition version.

Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World was part of a limited Super NES bundle released after Super Mario All-Stars was released. The version of Super Mario World included was virtually identical to the previous stand alone version save for the sprites and animations for Luigi was changed to actually resemble Luigi and not a green colored Mario. Interestingly, Japan did not get this version. Which is odd.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
Mush123 said:
Scorp said:
Sadly, Mario World never appeared on All Stars, at least, not in the version I had on the SNES. Price needs to be available, and like Irfy said, where to pre order

Why did my version have SMW in it then? Smilie Unless I got some special/limited edition version.

Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World was part of a limited Super NES bundle released after Super Mario All-Stars was released. The version of Super Mario World included was virtually identical to the previous stand alone version save for the sprites and animations for Luigi was changed to actually resemble Luigi and not a green colored Mario. Interestingly, Japan did not get this version. Which is odd.

Ah, thanks for the clear up mate. Knew I wasn't going mad. But yeah, Nintendo should've added SMW to the bundle too.. shame they didn't. :/
EDIT: I didn't actually get my copy of SMA+SMW with my SNES, must've got given it by someone or something.
Oh and once again, my quotes are fucked up. FML.

( Edited 08.10.2010 23:06 by Mush123 )

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