SaGa 3 Nintendo DS Remake Dated

By Adam Riley 05.10.2010

SaGa 3 Nintendo DS Remake Dated on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has revealed the release date of its SaGa 3 Nintendo DS remake, SaGa 3: Jikuu no Hasha - Shadow or Light. Developed by Racjin, this complete overhaul of the 1991 Game Boy adventure, known as Final Fantasy Legend III in the West, was shown off at the recent Tokyo Games Show. As well as an overview trailer showing off how impressive the new version looks, the publisher has confirmed that it will launch in Japan on 6th January, 2011, missing the pre-Christmas period, but still arriving during the holiday time in Japan.

More details on the game can be found on the game's official website, but it has been confirmed that a new character simply known as "The Wanderer" will be met at various stages during the adventure, and despite receiving help from him at times, the mystery man's intention are unknown.

Image for SaGa 3 Nintendo DS Remake Dated

Would you like to see this Final Fantasy Legend III remake released in the West?

Box art for SaGa 3: Jikuu no Hasha - Shadow or Light



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Q4 2010   Australian release date TBA   

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