Zelda, Street Fighter for 3DS Launch

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2010 7

Zelda, Street Fighter for 3DS Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have outlined ten titles that'll launch alongside the new 3DS console, including Zelda, Pilotwings and Street Fighter.

Earlier this week the company held a conference in Japan, confirming a price and release date for the new console. Now details of the current software selection to be available at the Japanese launch has emerged (subject to change).

3DS Launch Games (Japan)

  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo)
  • Nintendogs + Cats (Nintendo)
  • Pilotwings Resort (working title) (Nintendo)
  • Pro Baseball Spirits (Konami)
  • Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (Level 5)
  • Ridge Racer 3D (Namco Bandai)
  • Samurai Warriors Chronicle (Tecmo Koei)
  • Steel Diver (Nintendo)
  • Super Monkey Ball (working title) (SEGA)
  • Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (Capcom)
  • 2011

  • Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo)
  • Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D - The Naked Sample (Konami)
  • TBA

  • Animal Crossing (working title) (Nintendo)
  • Chocobo Racing 3D (working title) (Square Enix)
  • Dead or Alive: Dimensions (Tecmo Koei)
  • Mario Kart (working title) (Nintendo)
  • Paper Mario (working title) (Nintendo)
  • Resident Evil: Revelations (Capcom)
  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (Capcom)
  • Star Fox 64 3D (Nintendo)

  • Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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    Pretty solid launch line-up, loving how Ocarina and Street Fighter IV will be available around that time, definitely both must-haves for me! Excited for Kid Icarus, Mario Kart and Star Fox 3DS - hoping these will be available shortly after - at least Star Fox and MK.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    jb said:
    Pretty solid launch line-up, loving how Ocarina and Street Fighter IV will be available around that time, definitely both must-haves for me! Excited for Kid Icarus, Mario Kart and Star Fox 3DS - hoping these will be available shortly after - at least Star Fox and MK.

    I agree. That's a very good line up for launch releases. I am eager for Paper Mario, Zelda and SFIV. I wonder what the new Animal Crossing game will be called and where it will be set?

    SuperYoshi6 PSN name
    3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

    Ocarina of Time alone makes me buy the 3DS on the first day and it will probably be the only game I'm gonna get of the games in the launch list because I sure won't be swimming in money after Christmas this year and buying a 3DS in spring.

    From the other announced games so far, I am really looking forward to Animal Crossing because I loved it on my DS. That game is just made for a handheld. I just hope that they will do more than just adding a few features. If they would add a ton of new things to do I would buy it in an instant and play for a very long time. Other games I also might check out are Kid Icarus, Mario Kart and Starfox.

    SirLink said:
    Ocarina of Time alone makes me buy the 3DS on the first day and it will probably be the only game I'm gonna get of the games in the launch list because I sure won't be swimming in money after Christmas this year and buying a 3DS in spring.

    From the other announced games so far, I am really looking forward to Animal Crossing because I loved it on my DS. That game is just made for a handheld. I just hope that they will do more than just adding a few features. If they would add a ton of new things to do I would buy it in an instant and play for a very long time. Other games I also might check out are Kid Icarus, Mario Kart and Starfox.

    Well then, my friend, I suggest you start saving your pennies. There will be a lot of buying from the sounds of your list. I am going to buy OoT on launch just for the fact I can get one of my favourite Zelda games for the hand held generation.

    SuperYoshi6 PSN name
    3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

    Well then, my friend, I suggest you start saving your pennies. There will be a lot of buying from the sounds of your list. I am going to buy OoT on launch just for the fact I can get one of my favourite Zelda games for the hand held generation.

    Yea, I guess I have to tap into my savings a bit to get all or most of the games I want. And I'm right there with you, my first and one of my favorite Zelda games on a handheld with updated graphics in 3D? It's a good time to be a gamer...not financially though.

    I'll definately be picking up OoT and SFIV on launch day. I'm surprised that Zelda made it on launch though... I was expecting Star Fox and Paper Mario to be launch games to be honest.

    I'm so excited!

    "Do a Barrel Roll!"

    I couldn't be more excited for these nostalgic, childhood remakes. But I REALLY can't wait to see what the new Animal Crossing and Professor Layton games look like.

    Like video game music?!
    Do a Barrel Roll!<

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