Goldeneye Wii Heads into a Conflict

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2010 4

Goldeneye Wii Heads into a Conflict on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Goldeneye 007 introduces various classics from the James Bond universe and to compliment this the Wii game includes a "Conflict" mode.

According to IGN, the "Classic Conflict Mode" sees players take on the role of one of eight different legends online: Jaws, Oddjob, Baron Samedi, Dr. No, Scaramanga, Red Grant, Rosa Klebb and Blofeld. Each time you respawn you'll take on the role of one of the eight.

Players who buy the Classic Edition bundle (which comes bundled with the golden Classic Controller Pro) will automatically receive the mode, with regular players needing to reach level 35 to unlock.

In related news, the game will also receive a new control scheme that involves the Wii Remote, nunchuck but no sensor bar. The idea came about when Nintendo requested that developer Eurocom innovate the controls more.

The nunchuck handles all movement, with the A button used to strafe and no need to point the remote at the screen/sensor bar.

There will also be the regular Wii remote setup and support for classic controllers.

Box art for GoldenEye 007





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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I'd be interested to see if any maps from the N64 original make it over. I bet none do, which would make Perfect Dark XBLA still the definitive 'modern' GoldenEye multiplayer experience.

JB (guest) 03.10.2010#2

Martin_ said:
I'd be interested to see if any maps from the N64 original make it over. I bet none do, which would make Perfect Dark XBLA still the definitive 'modern' GoldenEye multiplayer experience.

Have a look at the video above, it seems Facility is in, but not sure about others. We played Archives in a demo and it felt totally different, so not sure if they'll have ones that mirror the original :/

I can't wait for this, MH Tri left my Wii long enough for me to get all the normal stars on Mario Galaxy 2, replaying the same levels and finding green stars dotted about doesn't appeal to me, but then MH was back in the console, and there it's stayed, other than a few random online matches on MarioKart, just to keep my hand in. Goldeneye Wii is going to be THE game to make Tri gather dust in my house though, from reliving the old classic levels, to discovering all the new tweaks it has. I particularly like that they have started the dam level at the start with Trevelyan beside you, and you work together for that level, to make the betrayal in the Facility all the more painful. Roll on Nov 6th...yes I know it's released on the 5th but it'll be a bday present so will have to wait the extra day!

Is the Golden Classic Controller bundle being released in the UK? It wasn't on Amazon UK or GAME's site so I'm thinking we're being screwed over once again. :/

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