Mario Party 2 Joins the Virtual Console Party

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2010 9

Mario Party 2 Joins the Virtual Console Party on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Deep within Nintendo of Europe's upcoming release list is a vc release for the fan-favourite N64 classic, Mario Party 2.

The second game in the long-running party series saw Mario and chums play dress-up and play through unique themed boards, including pirate, western, space, spooky and a Bowser-filled finale. It was also the first in the series to introduce an item inventory, though only one could be stored.

The 2000 game is returning in December. It's uncertain whether the addictive original or sublime Mario Party 3 would also be rolling onto the service.

Box art for Mario Party 2








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Hmmm... it would be very nice if Mario Party 3 made the cut, but I'm guessing the first two were the most popular and highly rated - though Mario Party 3 had so many extras that the others afterwards didn't really capitalise on - unless they thought duels helped to start gang culture or something, lols.

Haven't really played MP2 that much so would be nice to check it out properly!


Ohhhhhh yeah. I have been waiting to play this MP since my N64 flew the coop. Man I hope they get the first one on here as well. Thank You Nintendo you have just taken away my life as I know it. Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Mario Party 2's great, loved the themed boards and introduction of items. AI was really a pain though, difficult to beat the computer. Prefer MP3, especially with the awesome duel battle mode which hasn't been seen since!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Mario Party 2's great, loved the themed boards and introduction of items. AI was really a pain though, difficult to beat the computer. Prefer MP3, especially with the awesome duel battle mode which hasn't been seen since!

Well if this sells well on the VC then there could be a chance MP3 or 1 could make it over. Nintendo have been neglecting the N64 section for a while now.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Hmm the earliest Mario party game I played was 4 and I always here good things about the old ones from my mates. Might have to pick this up at one point.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Wow this is lovely news!

But... where's the original? I've been wanting that one since the service was announced!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Wow this is lovely news!

But... where's the original? I've been wanting that one since the service was announced!

It should come along some day. But I think this is better than the first game anyway. What can be more fun than having Mario as a cowboy. But yeah, I hope the first one does arrive some day.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999
Al (guest) 04.10.2010#8

Is it coming to America?:-x

Jun (guest) 06.12.2010#9

Will it be released in North America? If so Smilie If notSmilie

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