Sonic Creator's New Project Hits Europe

By Adam Riley 01.10.2010

Sonic Creator

Ivy The Kiwi?, the latest creation from Yuji Naka - one of the creators behind a certain blue hedgehog - will be released throughout all PAL territories on 29th October 2010.  Using a storybook-style presentation, Ivy the Kiwi? follows the adventures of a lonely baby bird searching for her mother.  By traversing various stages and navigating through the obstacles that stand in her way, Ivy follows the trail of feathers with the hope of reaching her parents.  The game has been designed to make perfect use of the Nintendo DS and Wii controls, as players place vines to help guide the wandering baby bird through each puzzle-themed level.  There are over 100 stages for DS and Wii, with multiplayer modes available.

It's a real pleasure working on Ivy the Kiwi?. It's an incredibly charming game, from a games creator responsible for one of the greatest characters of all time. With the release date now announced, I'm looking forward to the game hitting the shops and hearing what Yuji Naka fans think of his latest creation.
- Martin Defries, Managing Director, Rising Star Games.

Ivy the Kiwi? will be released in the UK 29th October, 2010 on the Wii and DS, courtesy of Rising Star Games.  Yuji Naka will also be at the Eurogamer Expo on Saturday 2nd October, where Cubed3 will be getting the chance to have a quick sit down with the man himself.

Box art for Ivy the Kiwi?



Rising Star





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