Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII Remake for 3DS?

By Stuart Lawrence 30.09.2010 7

Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII Remake for 3DS?  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

On Square Enix's Twitter page; The 3rd Birthday, Hajime Tabata has been shown to be deliberating the possibility of bringing a remake of the mobile game Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII on the Nintendo 3DS.

Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII is a prequel that takes place 6 years before the events of Final Fantasy VII and is an action RPG that revolves around the adventures of the Turks who perform covert operations for the Shinra Corporation. The game is part of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.

In the Twitter page translation he says:

If I were to do something on 3DS, it’d be a Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII remake I guess,

Completely changing the scenario composition and game design for the 3DS, if it were an action RPG BC:FF7 that lots of Turk players could simultaneously play at a dizzying pace, wait a second this work is not an official announcement of course.

Hajime Tabata, Producer, Square Enix

Nothing official has been announced. Thanks to Siliconera for the details.

Would you like to see Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII remade on the 3DS? Would you like to see any other Final Fantasy game, spin-off or not, release on Nintendo's 3D portable?

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This should happen!! I'm pretty sure it's one of the only modern FF games that has yet to make it to western audiences.


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I think if it was made for the 3DS, it would definately make an infinite increase on the likelihood of it being release in the west.

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I thought they might bring this to the original DS years ago but it never happened. Would be great if they do remake it for 3DS instead.

SuperLink said:
This should happen!! I'm pretty sure it's one of the only modern FF games that has yet to make it to western audiences.


Yeah hope its true,pretty sure its the only FF not to get a release outside Japan, everything else has made it out in some form of port/remake

Would love it if this becomes a reality.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Azuardo said:
I thought they might bring this to the original DS years ago but it never happened. Would be great if they do remake it for 3DS instead.

I don't think the DS would have had the power to run it. I think it will have more of a chance to be released on the 3DS because of its power. I hope this does make to the West and Europe as well.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999
Mr. Thompson (guest) 24.07.2013#7

Heck yeah, I'd love to see a release and remake of Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis! Never mind the other remakes (Whatever about remaking FFVII, FFX, etc.), Before Crisis is the one that deserves the remake, revamp, expanded storyline and all that, and release outside of Japan! I mean, yes, we all know about how Cloud and his friends saved the world, how Tidus and his friends saved the world, how Squall and Rinoa saved the world, all of them, yeah. History did record that, supposedly, and everyone broke out the champagne bottles in celebration of their achievements, but ask the same people about the greatest story never told (That is, the story of the Turks) and they'll look at you with a blank stare, and say, "Who are the Turks?" or they'll possibly remember them as "Those clumsy guys" and "Oh yeah, the jokers! Or... Was it something else?" or something else like, "The Turks! No way!"

And so, this is why their story needs to be told; thus, the remake, revamp, expanded storyline, release outside of Japan and all that does need to happen! The story of the Turks (Or, as they call, Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis) is, indeed, The Greatest Story Never Told! This is one story I'll even hold my breath on, nevermind the other remakes!

The other Final Fantasy games don't really need to be remade (It's simply just re-inventing the wheel, really) and it's whatever on those, but for this one, Before Crisis, it deserves so much more than what it has now!

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