Super Monkey Ball Rolls Onto The 3DS

By 29.09.2010 5

Super Monkey Ball Rolls Onto The 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During the slew of news surrounding the 3DS today, SEGA have added to the mix with the announcement of six new games for the 3DS system. New titles include the announcement of a new Sonic game and also a new entry into the Monkey Ball series.

SEGA have kept quiet on five of their planned games, but have released media on the next entry to Super Monkey Ball. Super Monkey Ball 3D takes the series into the third dimension and looks set to feature more banana collecting platforming and party games.

The game is set to be a launch title and will take advantage of the 3DS systems features, by using the accelerometers to control the game. It will play much like the iPhone and iPad version of the game, where players control the world and tilt to control the path of ball. SEGA have stated the game will also come with multiplayer options including a Monkey Race and Monkey Flight Modes.

Image for Super Monkey Ball Rolls Onto The 3DS
Image for Super Monkey Ball Rolls Onto The 3DS

More screens can be found below, in the games album.

Box art for Super Monkey Ball 3D








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (3 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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Yoshindo (guest) 29.09.2010#1

Sweet, though I sincerely hope that they at least give me the option to use the slide pad since playing motion games on a train going 70 mph is a little difficult lol

Yoshindo (guest) said:
Sweet, though I sincerely hope that they at least give me the option to use the slide pad since playing motion games on a train going 70 mph is a little difficult lol

I hope so too, I prefer playing Monkey Ball with an analogue stick.

Sonic, Sonic, Sonic! Enough said Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

only game on 3ds im not excited for. but it still looks visually well done.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Well I hope this can drag Monkey Ball back into the big leagues since Step & Roll was mediocre. Kinda depressing really.

Still looking forward to it!

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