Touch Pink Balls on Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 29.09.2010 1

Touch Pink Balls on Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed a new, currently untitled, Kirby game for the Nintendo DS, where it appears you can use the stylus to control multiple Kirbys on-screen at one time.� Whilst GoodFeel (responsible for Wario Land: The Shake Dimension for Wii, and headed up by the former creator of the Mystical Ninja series whilst working at Konami) has been working hard on Kirby's Epic Yarn for Wii, the usual team behind the pink puffball's adventures has clearly been beavering away on a fourth DS outing.� So far the Nintendo DS has seen Kirby Magic Paintbrush, Kirby Mouse Attack, and Kirby Super Star Ultra, but now it looks like HAL Laboratories is going back to testing out a touch-screen control method after ditching it for the past two entries.

Image for Touch Pink Balls on Nintendo DS
Image for Touch Pink Balls on Nintendo DS

Due out in Japan sometime in 2011, if Kirby DS follows in the footsteps of the last two games, it could prove to be yet another million seller in Nintendo's homeland.

Box art for Kirby Mass Attack

HAL Laboratory







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I like it how instead of using the same Kirby formula, the last several outings have all tried to make something fresh and innovative.

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