Nintendo has confirmed that its smash hit music series, Rhythm Tengoku (Rhythm Heaven / Rhythm Paradise in the US and Europe), is heading to Wii next year for its third iteration. The first in the series, from the team behind the original WarioWare games, was a sleeper success back when the Game Boy Advance was on its deathbed in Japan and never got released in the West. The sequel, however, proved to be far more popular, becoming a million seller in a short time, as well as enjoying great success around the world, supported by a Beyoncé-led advertising campaign. Cubed3’s review of the DS version can be read here.
Now Nintendo is set to follow-up its moderate success of Wii Music and Bandai Namco's hit Taiko no Tatsujin with what it currently being codenamed simply 'Rhythm Heaven'. Hopefully more details will be forthcoming soon.