Games Based on Inception Coming?

By Adam Riley 25.09.2010 1

Games Based on Inception Coming? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Christopher Nolan, Director of hit movie Inception, has stated an interest in expanding the concept into the realm of videogames. This comes hot on the heels of Warner Bros. announcing the surreal thriller, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, has now raked in a whopping US$753 million worldwide since release.

Below is a quote from Nolan, speaking at a recent Press conference:

What we are looking at doing is developing a videogame based on the world of the film, which has all kinds of ideas that you can't fit into a feature film. That's something we've been talking about and are looking at doing long term, in a couple of years.

I did always intend for this film to give a mass audience a really entertaining experience, but my fear with the film was always that it would be misinterpreted as being overly cerebral or puzzle-like.

Could we be seeing a Professor Layton style affair in the future, with inter-linking puzzles across different levels of someone's mind?

What would you like to see from a future videogame version of Inception?

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A multiple levels of reality sandbox game would be ace.
So you have a smallish city/town "real" world, but plenty of people within it who you can dive into their minds and explore sub-worlds within. (effected in real time by influences on the outside world).

The whole concept fits videogame dynamics well, as they have an excuse for the worlds to "have limits" to where you can go. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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