New Sonic 4 Casino Street Screens, Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2010 9

New Sonic 4 Casino Street Screens, Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the first episode of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 incoming, SEGA have shown the first snippets of footage of another revised act.

As part of the delay developer Dimps and Sonic Team have been revising some of the level and game mechanics, including an act in the Casino Street zone. With it comes a swanky new mechanic - jumping on rotating playing cards. Okay, it's not quite a new mechanic, but it's certainly different:

Image for New Sonic 4 Casino Street Screens, Video

Image for New Sonic 4 Casino Street Screens, Video

Image for New Sonic 4 Casino Street Screens, Video

Uncover more Sonic the Hedgehog 4 screens in the album below.

Box art for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I





2D Platformer



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Looks alright, just a little too similar to the older games. Music is a pain in the arse (the level BGMs for this zone). Sonic's animation still pretty choppy and weirdly animated in places (especially in the intro seconds when you can focus on him more).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I wonder if that damn barrel from Carnival Night Zone will be in it? I've been wanting a rematch with the barrel for quite some time, now. I won't be defeated so easily this time!

Very Sonic 2 but with cards. Looks good. Nostalgic. I like it.
I havent played a sonic game since SA1 I might pick this up but �£40 for a classic sonic game?? Ironic that my mum would buy my cartridges for close to �£50 and now im grumbling. But I like my games with open worlds to explore not run through in 5hrs.

Do any of these stages come from a freaking original idea? It seems very rehashed now that there are three stages which I completely recognize from the old Genesis games. Mega Man had some originality when making 9 and 10 at least.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

This looks like a quite cool stage. The involvement of having cards to bounce on and not just bumpers all the time. Seems to be coming along nicely. Hope we see more on the new changes, or what has been revealed so far be all there is to include in the final build.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Do any of these stages come from a freaking original idea? It seems very rehashed now that there are three stages which I completely recognize from the old Genesis games. Mega Man had some originality when making 9 and 10 at least.

You must have missed all the interviews in which SEGA stated Episode 1 is for all intents and purposes a throwback episode.

There's nothing wrong with that, Episode 2 and 3 will give us the newness.

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Musics a bit meh but the stage is looking pretty sweet.

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I always found the Casino Stages dull.

Looks good Smilie I love the graphics.. reminds me of the good old days of jump'n'runs Smilie and i also like this whole gambling in las vegas style.. looks similar to the Niagara casino picture IMHO Smilie

I think I will buy this one now.. Hope it feels as fast as ever!!

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