Surprise 3D Function for Street Fighter IV

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2010 6

Surprise 3D Function for Street Fighter IV on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono recently spoke on the upcoming Super Street Fighter IV and converting the game for 3DS.

Speaking to RevoGamers Ono again clarified that the game will be as close to its HD brothers, trying to retain as much of the Street Fighter experience as possible. The team want to make the game accessible for all - whether ten years old or a seasoned fighting fan.

Capcom do want to take advantage of the 3D function, and Ono is promising a surprise in store for fans:

...we’re going add something that will surprise people and this will have to be done on 3DS because it requires the 3D function. This is to let people know that something like this can be done in the 3D hardware, but I won’t tell you what! (Laughs). But you will find out, you will be surprised and this has to be on the 3DS.

Box art for Super Street Fighter IV








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a) putting yourself into the game somehow. (stero camera picture taking to get your depth)
b) Augmented reality features? (play on your desk) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Putting yourself in the game, in 3D, would be mega awesome - even if its for minigames or the like. Nice idea Darky!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Using the front 2 cameras to create a 3D stage where players can fight on...?

A new type of bonus level would be cool.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Nice touch. I'm hoping this lives up well for the 3DS

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

A mini game where you slap the inside of one of chun-li's thunder thighs and watch it ripple out towards you.Smilie

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