Eternal Eden Remake Planned For Nintendo 3DS

By Mike Mason 21.09.2010 1

Eternal Eden Remake Planned For Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese-style RPG Eternal Eden was received well when it was released on PC a couple of years ago by Canadian developers Blossomsoft, earning praise from fans of old-school RPGs such as the earlier Final Fantasy titles and Chrono Trigger. Good news for Nintendo fans who like their role-playing games - a 3DS remake of Eternal Eden is being planned.

Eternal Eden is noted for being one of the only commercial games to be created using RPG Maker VX, and apparently has done well enough that a sequel is currently in development for PC. The first game tells the Biblically-proportioned story of a paradise in which everything up to and including immortality is provided for its inhabitants, with one condition: they must not eat the forbidden wisdom fruit. Surprise, surprise, three children muck everything up by taking a taste of the taboo treats, and are promptly thrust out into a world of darkness. Hopping between two worlds, A Link To The Past-stylee, the troublesome trio must right their wrongs and restore order to their once-utopian world.

Hoping to take advantage of Nintendo’s next handheld, Blossomsoft announced via their Twitter page that a Nintendo 3DS remake of Eternal Eden is being considered. We contacted Blossomsoft for further details and have been told that the Eternal Eden remake is currently in planning stages only, projected in accordance with released specifications and Blossomsoft’s expectations of 3DS.

We hope to be able to bring you more information soon. Stick with us for more Eternal Eden coverage in the near future.

Have you played Eternal Eden before? Are you happy at the prospect of a 3DS remake?

Box art for Eternal Eden





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Blossomsoft rings loud bells in my head...possibly for something they/he did on GBA AGES ago...can't think what, though, off the top of my head.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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