SEGA Explains Sonic 4 Delay, Changes

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.09.2010 3

SEGA Explains Sonic 4 Delay, Changes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA recently explained some of the major and subtle changes into bringing Sonic the Hedgehog 4 closer to its predecessors.

Two new level designs were the main focus of the delay, given fan and press reactions to the not so desirable acts. These include a revised Lost Labyrinth design and a soon-to-be-revealed Casino act. Improved animation and a smoother experience overall were amongst some of the changes.

  • Classic mode: The ability to go from act to act, zone to zone without being taken back to the world map - genesis style.
  • New world map: Those who do like to choose levels in any order can navigate the game through the world map.
  • Classic style endings: In previous builds Sonic would come a halt at an invisible wall at the end of an act. Like the classic games he'll now zip past and off the screen if you wish.
  • SEGA will be announcing more updates, changes and a release date in the SEGA blogs in the coming weeks.

    Box art for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I





    2D Platformer



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    So you basically have the choice to play it like Sonic 2 or more like Sonic Advance 2?

    That's pretty neat really.
    But where's the uncurl fix SEGA?

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Like the idea of a map. I've already made up my mind that I'll never find this game (in it's entirety) worthy of the name Sonic 4, so I'm just gonna play it not thinking it as a sequel but more of a Sonic Rush Advance game. That way, I'll be less disappointed and enjoy it more.

    The price is gonna be either 800 or 1200 microsoft points. 1200 is far too much for one part IMO so hopefully it's 800.

    SuperLink said:
    So you basically have the choice to play it like Sonic 2 or more like Sonic Advance 2?

    Not exactly, with Sonic 4, you can choose to play the zones in any order since they're all unlocked at the start. I think that's how it is anyway. It's hard to get a proper understanding of the game when Sega wants us to remain almost completely in the dark. Smilie

    Want to play Lost Labyrinth before Casino Zone? You can do just that. Smilie A bit silly if you ask me.

    But where's the uncurl fix SEGA?

    Part of me thinks it'll remain in the final version. Smilie

    ( Edited 17.09.2010 13:31 by Ifrit XXII )

    The idea of a map looks good because if you want to go back and play other levels where you can unlock a chaos emerald. And I wonder if the map will b e like the ones in Sonic 1 for the Game Gear or Tails Adventure for Game Gear. But it makes a bit of a difference from Sonic3+knuckles.

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