PANG: Magical Michael Arrives in Europe!

By Adam Riley 16.09.2010 1

PANG: Magical Michael Arrives in Europe! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rising Star Games has confirmed that PANG: Magical Michael will arrive on the Nintendo DS in Europe this Friday.  RSG will give a whole new generation the chance to enjoy the classic 80s videogame, confirming that Mitchell Corporation's latest game will finally hit PAL regions (including Australia) on 17th September, 2010.

New features exclusive to the Nintendo DS mean gamers will be able to compete against friends and family via multi-card play or local wireless one-cartridge play.  They will also be able to compare scores with other players using Online World Rankings.  Celebrating 21 years since the original game blasted onto the arcade scene, the PANG series returns with all the addictive gameplay that made it so popular, now on the best-selling handheld of all time.  With the same simple premise and hook, PANG: Magical Michael continues to define what led the series to critical acclaim, cementing its position as one of the most cherished properties in videogame history.

Michael, an aspiring young magician, has failed an experiment, leading to dire consequences.  Balloons have been dispersed, causing trouble to landmarks and cities all around the world.  Ever the eco-friendly chap, Michael must now travel the globe to clean up the mess he caused, bursting all the balloons bouncing around before they cause too much havoc.

PANG is one of those games that people adored in the 1980s.  It's instantly addictive and it's also hours of fun.  Fans will be pleased to hear PANG: Magical Michael will be available to buy very soon.
- Martin Defries, Managing Director at Rising Star Games.

Everything that Mitchell Corporation touches seems to turn to gold, from the likes of Polarium on Nintendo DS, actionloop: Twist on WiiWare, and Wakugumi: Monochrome Puzzles on DSiWare.  Now the gaming public should brace themselves for one of the developer's most hardcore arcade experiences yet.  PANG: Magical Michael lures players in with some easy-going early stages and fun two-player modes suitable for all the family, then tightens the screw considerably further into Magical Michael's journey to ensure veterans have sufficient challenge to keep them thoroughly entertained.  Mix in achievements and online leader-boards and PANG: Magical Michael is an absolute must-have experience for DS owners across Europe!
- Adam Riley, Senior Editor at and the voice of Magical Michael.

PANG: Magical Michael launches on the Nintendo DS in Europe this Friday for only ��£19.99, and is the perfect title to complement the release of Nintendo's own puzzle adventure, Last Window: The Secret of Cape West.

Box art for Pang: Magical Michael



Rising Star





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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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