New Screens for Goldeneye Wii Reveal Tank

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.09.2010 8

New Screens for Goldeneye Wii Reveal Tank on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It wouldn't be the complete classic Goldeneye 007 experience without a tumble about in a deadly army tank. New Wii screens inside.

With the release of Eurocom/Activision's James Bond remaking drawing nearer and nearer, the team have issued a new folder of screens worthy of the British sleuth himself. Whilst taking influence from the original level designs, a trip through St Petersburg this time round sees bond loosing his tank, chased by missiles and evading enemy helicopters.

Goldeneye 007 will target Wii owners from November 2010.

Image for New Screens for Goldeneye Wii Reveal Tank

Image for New Screens for Goldeneye Wii Reveal Tank

Image for New Screens for Goldeneye Wii Reveal Tank

Image for New Screens for Goldeneye Wii Reveal Tank

Image for New Screens for Goldeneye Wii Reveal Tank
Box art for GoldenEye 007





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (9 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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THis is one of the few wii titles thats looks really nice in still pictures. Even metroid looked horrible when it wasnt in motion in mags and the web.

I don't think it looks great (due mostly to lack of AA and textures) but those things don't matter when you are playing it. I get more excited about this every time new info is released.

Well I am not impressed.

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

metroid looked horrible?

corruption or other m? either or, both are great!

this is by it's definitely going to be a mirror image of the last cod game that dropped on wii, which was great on wii standards.

why on earth would we at anytime weight wii's version to the counterpart...??? that hurts lol

Solid gameplay is what will place this game as a well-done remake, as well as how true it remains to the original, and how much addition without subtraction it can do to and from its grandfather.

The graphics are good enough (in my opinion), I think it's much more important for this game to bring something fresh to an old favorite than to push the graphical envelope of an already limited system/processor. The fact that it isn't give me hope that the developers realized that as well, and that they aren't just hoping for a nostalgia cash-in.

Having said that... this game IS a nostalgia cash-in whether it is terrible or amazing. But the bottom line is I want it!

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<
Face Palm to the G Bomb (guest) 15.09.2010#6

OMG Call of Duty looks awesome on the Wii.... oh.... ah.... errrrrrrr.....zzzzz

*man what a wild dream* Smilie

This game looks better due to the lack of textures. The wii cant do textures justice. IT starts to look like cluttered blurry mess when applied to realistic looking games.

Metroid Corruption when being promoted online in still pics looked horrible at times. THe game itself looks beautiful when you play it at home.

Looks nowt like the N64 game. It's still an absolute, complete cash-in, though. Much like Rogue Agent, though I imagine this will be better since Eurocom are on the job.

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