New Trackmania Wii Trailer

By 11.09.2010 3

New Trackmania Wii Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It’s only a couple of weeks until Trackmania lands on the Nintendo Wii, and Developer Nadeo have released a new trailer for the game.

The video shows a lot of the features included in the Wii version such as 4 player split screen and free downloadable tracks, as well as online multiplayer. Another feature mentioned in the video is an online leaderboard where you can “climb the official rankings”. You can watch the new trailer below.

Trackmania Wii is out in the UK on September 24th and in Australia on September 23rd.

What do you think of the New trailer? Will Trackmania be coming to your Wii anytime soon?

Box art for TrackMania



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Looks like a really polished game. I liked the free version on Steam.

But that soundtrack... they wanted Daft Punk, but only had enough money to buy 10 seconds of it?

It looks fun.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

It does look pretty good, I just hop there's a good enough marketing campaign for it, looks like something alot of people will enjoy.

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