Rare: Kameo should have been scrapped

By Stuart Lawrence 10.09.2010 8

Rare: Kameo should have been scrapped on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Think Kameo: Elements of Power was meant to be about an elf? Think again. In a recent interview with Rare creative director George Andreas, he reveals to Edge magazine how the game went from a GameCube project about a fairy, eventually turning into an Xbox 360 title about an Elf.

His thoughts are that they should have “scrapped the game and started again”. He even says that just discussing the game now is “painful” amongst staff at Rare. The interview was in a feature celebrating Rare's 25th anniversary.

I was on that project from start to finish, so it's quite painful to talk about it in some ways,

We changed direction slightly because of the new audience we were trying to aim at. We called Kameo an elf, but really she was a fairy. We tried to disguise that a few times, but it didn't really work out. It was a game with a fairy for an audience that likes shooting and killing things.

In hindsight, it probably would have been best to scrap everything and start again. And then we jumped on 360 as a launch title. We weren't far off finishing [when that happened].

George Andreas, Creative Director of Rare

Thanks to CVG

What do you think of George's views on the game, and Rare's perception of the Nintendo audience?

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I think that's quite lame. Just because a game doesn't sell well or anything doesn't mean a thing. A lot of people wont go waste money on games. I just got Metroid: other M, and that's the first game I got since a long time. Not because of games that are for sale, but because it was for my bday. it just takes time to be able to get games.

jump_button (guest) 10.09.2010#2

well that one way of pissing long time fans off and burning bridges, I really like the idea of the game from the GC demo what i saw but the game game end up nothing like it

jump_button (guest) said:
well that one way of pissing long time fans off and burning bridges, I really like the idea of the game from the GC demo what i saw but the game game end up nothing like it

Indeed, this isn't the Rare we once knew and so loved... it's terrible. Smilie It still hurts to think about it. I still can't believe they flat out lied about the whole ordeal with Ninty and MS. *shake's head*

Rare just isn't the same anymore. So much of their original talent is gone. Heck, even the Stamper bros. jumped ship.

Rare's philosophy and game design was so in sync with Nintendo's, they were a match mad in heaven. Now, their so mismatched with Microsoft. The spark, that talent... it's all but completely gone. Smilie

( Edited 10.09.2010 00:52 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Its almost always a mistake to try re-branding half-way into something.
Arguably, Bad Fur Day pulled it of, but not much else.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Lot's of could've - should've coming from rare recently. How many of the n64 staff are still there? I mean, those guys could make quality games, but these days...

He's probably right, since it's one of those that would have gone from GC to Xbox, and from Xbox to 360. That's almost as bad as DNF Smilie

Seems to be a lot of Rareware news on here lately.

Lot's of could've - should've coming from rare recently. How many of the n64 staff are still there? I mean, those guys could make quality games, but these days...

You're not the only one to talk like this, so I won't be horrible to you. Thing is, Rare still are a cracking development team. I don't know how many N64 peeps remain at Rare, but I do know BK: Nuts and Bolts was made by the entire original team of the original BK.

From this, one could deduce that a lot of the oldies remain there. The saddest departure for me was to see Grant Kirkhope leave. Always loved his music.

( Edited 10.09.2010 10:15 by Martin_ )

Mobygames is a great way to compare credit lists;


37 people on nuts and bolts worked on the original banjo kazooie. (or, to put it another way, 17 people on the original didn't work on n&b... although most weren't significant)

I do like how they label the credits on nuts and bolts.

( Edited 10.09.2010 12:29 by Darkflame )

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Nobody cares about this game believe me.Smilie

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

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