Zap Foes with Doctor Who Wii Sonic Screwdriver

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.09.2010 6

Zap Foes with Doctor Who Wii Sonic Screwdriver on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With BBC's Doctor Who parking his time-travelling TARDIS on Wii and DS this year, get into character with new accessories.

One of the key items throughout the show's longrunning history is the famed Sonic Screwdriver. It does pretty much anything, but has generally been used to breaking locks, seal doors and blow up mines. You can now fit the part with your own working Sonic Screwdriver, built as a Wii Remote itself.

Image for Zap Foes with Doctor Who Wii Sonic Screwdriver

Image for Zap Foes with Doctor Who Wii Sonic ScrewdriverDS owners can get an equally nifty, and rather chunky, stylus and Amy Pond slip case. We're connfident Miss Rose will enjoy being marketed next to a long, touching tool.

According to The Register both accesories will be out by this Christmas.

Box art for Doctor Who: Return to Earth

Koch Media







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LiamU (guest) 07.09.2010#1

HOT! And the Sonic Screwdriver aint so bad either XD


Does look awesome, especially the Wii Remote - might get one just for the sheer awesomeness!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

"Miss Rose"?

'Amy Pond' = Karen Gillan and 'Rose Tyler' = Billie Piper.

This article confused me.

I'm sorry but this just looks extremely inappropriate. Maybe it's just my dirty mind... but come on, read the description!

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

She lacks the necessary pigment in order to produce children who do not suffer chronically from sunlight, from my perspective. Of course, if I were a black man, this would be of no concern. Lucky black men, not having to worry about the pigmentation of their brides!

Red XIII said:
I'm sorry but this just looks extremely inappropriate. Maybe it's just my dirty mind... but come on, read the description!

After reading that again I kinda agree O.O

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