Rock Band 3 Goes Social, Allows Song Import

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.09.2010 5

Rock Band 3 Goes Social, Allows Song Import on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's music fever once again, and Harmonix have let loose details of new features in the third main installment of Rock Band.

In addition to the wealth of new features mentioned earlier this year, like the exciting Pro Mode and keyboard support, Rock Band 3 will let fans integrate with their Facebook and Twitter accounts, directly through the game.

Made a new setlist? Tell your friends by pushing the update through to both social networks once an account has been linked up on the Rock Band website.

Harmonix also mentioned that DLC for keyboard and pro instruments for existing songs is being considered, but it'll be a lot of work to recreate audio streams for these songs to be compatible with the newer setup.

Box art for Rock Band 3








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Interesting. I really don't think my facebook friends care what songs I played on Rock Band, though.

But then again, do anybody's facebook friends really care about anything they post?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

But then again, do anybody's facebook friends really care about anything they post?

Sure, if it's relevant to them a bit of fun or genuinely interesting.
I have lots of conversations start on facebook.

But I agree this automated "Yo I just like totally played dis game and got a trophy" type shit is a bit crap.

( Edited 06.09.2010 14:36 by Jimmy2000 )

Now, when they say there's a song import feature in RB 3 have they even directly mentioned the Wii? I know you can do that on 360 and PS3 but have heard no confirmation of the Wii platform on which Activision (Neversoft in particular) has done a wonderful job (SD card support, DLC, SDHC card support, direct-from-card streamming, etc.)

Rubie (guest) 07.09.2010#4

Sweet! Can we then run the playlists if we click the link on Facebook?

Rubie (guest) said:
Sweet! Can we then run the playlists if we click the link on Facebook?

Probably not - unless they build some form of Facebook within the game?

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