Sonic Colours Multiplayer Co-Op Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.09.2010 10

Sonic Colours Multiplayer Co-Op Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Remember that quirky screenshot from Sonic Colours last week? SEGA have confirmed that there'll be 2 player co-op in the Wii game.

Sonic's palette is set to expand with a nifty new multiplayer mode that's hidden away in the upcoming Wii release. According to IGN if players collect enough secret rings scattered through the main game, the bonus mode will unlock a host of challenges specific to two players.

Work together as Sonic robots to overcome Eggman's devious obstacles using wisp abilities, and at the same time try to nab as many rings as possible.

Image for Sonic Colours Multiplayer Co-Op Footage

Over on the Sonic Blog, SEGA posted seven things you may not know about the new game:

1) Dr. Eggman has built his park after developing a sense of remorse for his past “indiscretions”. Hmm… a likely story.

2) At one point in an early cutscene Sonic “breaks the fourth wall” and talks directly to the gamer.

3) SA-55, the round red robot also known as “Ergo” by fans who appeared in Sonic Unleashed will return, but slightly more jaded than before. Oh and by the way SA-55 ISN’T his name… his name is actually “Orbot”

4) Orbot also has a counterpart this game… who we’ll be revealing next week.

5) Tails’ “Miles Electric” handheld device that appeared in Sonic Unleashed makes a re-appearance.

6) The boss you have already likely seen from Tropical Resort Dr. Eggman refers to as the “Big Boy”.

7) The curly haired white Wisp is important to the Colours story and its name is…. something you’ll have to tune in next week to find out!

Box art for Sonic Colours
Also known as

Sonic Colors


Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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Joe (guest) 04.09.2010#1

Whoa looks nice.
I like the abstract look there going with in regards to how the level looks, kind of like some Mario Sunshines/Galaxy levels where it was just boxes and cubes floating in space.

( Edited 15.12.2012 23:34 by Guest )

I actually can't believe how good Sonic Colours is looking.

I honestly can't fault it for anything right now.

( Edited 15.12.2012 23:34 by Guest )

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SuperLink said:
I actually can't believe how good Sonic Colours is looking.

I honestly can't fault it for anything right now.

Apart from them thinking it's not for hardcore gamers, would be funny if this turns out to be one of the best 3D sonics in agesSmilie

Looks decent, however, lead designer Takashi Iizuka said himself that "core gamers should stay away from this game." It is viturally for kids the age of 6 to 12 years old.

Not saying people can't play this game, but it is ment for kids....

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Looks decent, however, lead designer Takashi Iizuka said himself that "core gamers should stay away from this game." It is viturally for kids the age of 6 to 12 years old.

Not saying people can't play this game, but it is ment for kids....

So was Megaman, every single mario game, the original sonics and Rayman...

Being aimed at children isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as it isn't infantile mush like bob the builder or tiny tots etc and thankfully it looks like it isn't.
Just looks like a Sonic game aimed at the audience it was always aimed at.

The developer clearly doesn't work in marketing. He needs to understand that the best Sonic games are the ones aimed at children.

The appearance of the game doesn't matter to a core gamer, it's the quality of the game. According to the game developer, "Sonic 2006" would be a core game.

So basically he's a complete idiot.

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Children aged 6-12 can be the most hardcore gamers of all Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Children aged 6-12 can be the most hardcore gamers of all Smilie

Like that 8 year old who can play Fire and Flames on Expert with 100%?

I bet Rush was also "aimed at 6-12 year olds", but no one's complaining and everyone loves it.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

The co-op may get a little frustrating but it certainly looks fun and interesting. Smilie

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Looks decent, however, lead designer Takashi Iizuka said himself that "core gamers should stay away from this game." It is viturally for kids the age of 6 to 12 years old.

Not saying people can't play this game, but it is ment for kids....

Same goes for Mario and Pokemon. Marketed towards kids but appeal to people much older too. Iizuka is just really bad at PR and needs to shut up. Smilie


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