Marty and Doc Go Back to the Future

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.09.2010 9

Marty and Doc Go Back to the Future on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Back to the Future wouldn't be the same without Marty McFly and Doc Brown. Both will be returning to the episodic game.

Telltale Games has confirmed that the episodic 5-parter will revisit the fan-favourite movie trilogy by using the likeness of both the leading actors Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, with Lloyd set to lending his vocal chords to his character.

Series co-creator and writer Bob Gale will be supervising the project, helping the team bring the essence of Back to the Future to five months of time-travelling goodness.

Box art for Back to the Future: The Game



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Too bad they couldn't get Michael J. Fox. Doesn't he also do computer game voices these days? Or am I confusing him with Mark Hamill?


(Dark and light jak) Jak3
Disgusted (guest) 03.09.2010#3

chronomon dm said:

...I wish I could go Back to the Future and...remove you.


Reminds me, there was a back to the future cartoon Lloyd also worked on. Had live action "educatianment" sections before it too. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I find it hard not to be pessimistic about this, since BTTF is one of my all-time favourite series. I can't imagine how it won't just be some sort of naff storyline tacked on. How cold it not be? The story ended with the third film. Universal have been trying to get a fourth film off the ground for years, but nobody wanted to do it because the original trilogy is so perfect.

Something tells me this game is purely the result of them not being able to get a fourth film into production, and so Universal have decided that they'll make some money with a game instead.. boo. Why MJ Fox not voicing Marty? It's not the parkinsons, he does a lot of voice overs these days. I guess he didn't want much to do with it.

Martin_ said: How cold it not be? The story ended with the third film.

Sequels can be completely new story's with the same characters, yet still be great. See; Toy Story, for example.

Universal have been trying to get a fourth film off the ground for years, but nobody wanted to do it because the original trilogy is so perfect.

Hasn't stopped lots of sucky sequels being made elsewhere Smilie

It all comes down to the writting at the end of the day, I think new storys can be told with those characters...I dont think the scenario is exhausted either. But it does need great writting, and thats hard. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Tel Tale have always done a decent job at adding story to other peoples universes so I expect something decent, not amazing but it probably won't shit on the original source material either.Smilie

( Edited 04.09.2010 13:13 by Jimmy2000 )

Have complete faith in Telltale to make this decent, can't wait - films were an awesome trilogy, but nothing tops the first!

( Edited 05.09.2010 14:56 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Chris (guest) 06.09.2010#9

Michael J Fox can't work too much due to his Parkinsons really sucks for us but a lot more for him

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