In a recent interview with Nintendo-prez Satoru Iwata, he revealed the director behind The Last Story, Final Fantasy creator Sakaguchi.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is known worldwide as the creator of Square's much loved Final Fantasy RPG series, but hasn't sat fully in the director's seat since Final Fantasy V on the SNES - until now.
In a translation, via Andriasang, he reveals what it's like sitting in the seat after 18 years.
Despite there being some distance between him and Nintendo, there is a closeness between Sakaguchi and Nintendo now through Mistwalker projects. After leaving Square in 2003, there was a "grey" period, where he felt he was riding the "wrong eave", until he started The Last Story project with his own studio, Mistwalker. Despite worries with heading into 3D, he has been enjoying himself, trying out new things and a different formula to past games he has directed. He has a more hands-on role here, similar to games Miyamoto has more direct influence with. He feels that there's more of an opportunity to tell stories without trouble and system limitations (like when working with Final Fantasy on the NES), however might end up showing too much/going overboard.Sakaguchi felt it was time fo a "rest", looking at the origins od game systems and try to revise both gameplay and story through a new style instead of an extention of current methods.It's like you're putting in so much that even if it were your last project, you would have no regrets.
Thanks to C3 reader Squidboy for the tip.