Harvest Moon 64 Denied for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.08.2010 13

Harvest Moon 64 Denied for Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst the Harvest Moon series has a strong following, fans of the Nintendo 64 edition won't be getting their fix on Wii.

In an interview with Natsume, Vice President of Operations Graham Markay revealed that although there is interest in bringing the game to the Virtual Console, various technical issues have prevented a release.

It will not. It will not. And it's not from lack of trying. Unfortunately, the code of the game is not... it's not an easy transfer. It would be really time-consuming and long, and we've looked into it, and we've tried to see if there's any way around certain things, but the conversion to virtual console, it's just... I shouldn't say it's never going to come out, but there's just a really, really, very small chance that it would ever come out. Which is unfortunate because we know that for a lot of dedicated, die-hard fans, that's their favorite.

Box art for Harvest Moon 64








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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Well that's a crying shame.

Does anyone know if the N64 was region free or not? I wanna get this.

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SuperLink said:
Does anyone know if the N64 was region free or not? I wanna get this.

It wasn't. Get a N64 Passport Plus III, that's the best adapter out there for playing import N64 games.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I remember this one alright. I won't shed a tear for it, but it's a shame. Meanwhile, just play little king's story guys. Will keep you smiling Smilie

I feel sad for you guys across the pond. This game is special. I'm not sure I'd call it the best game on the N64 (whatever the criteria for "best" is), but Harvest Moon 64 is my favorite N64 game. It's easily the best Harvest Moon game in the series (that I've played anyway). Most of the new ones I've played start out decent, but they just become terrible.

I may start a new file this year and play throughout the school year. That'd be nice.

( Edited 15.08.2010 22:21 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Damn shame. If only I had a friend who lives in Oz...

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Aww, not on the Virtual Console? Out of all the N64 classics, this is one I never got into, but planned to if it ever made its way there. Well, I guess it's back to the flea market... xD


What's more special about the 64 version? I've played several of them and most of them seem identical to me. Bought the SNES version on the Virtual Console and was loving it until a storm came and wiped out most of my crops. Smilie

( Edited 16.08.2010 13:19 by Ifrit XXII )

SuperLink said:
Well that's a crying shame.

Does anyone know if the N64 was region free or not? I wanna get this.

No N64 games or machines are region free. There's not even a modded N64 that is totally region free. If you want to play this game, you need to get the American cart for your US N64/modded Jap N64, or the Australian cart for your PAL machine. There was no European release.

As mentioned, Passport Plus III is decent, but not all games will work (and you will get very lame unoptimized 50Hz in every title that does run). Your best bet for running foreign carts is a foreign N64. An un-modded one of these will probably only cost around the same as one of those Passport Plus things. Your call.

I'd say go for an NTSC N64 that at least has the simple cartridge slot mod (you can do this yourself very easily). The only reason US N64 games won't run on a Jap console (and vice versa) is that the little plastic tabs inside the cart slot prevent insertion of carts from the other NTSC region. Cut out these tabs, and all Jap and US carts will run flawlessly with no further mods.

The Jap carts have the tab indents in the same place as PAL carts. Even though they will fit, Jap carts won't run on a PAL N64 (and vice versa) due to timing differences and such. I'd say maybe get the Passport Plus III if you only wanna play one or two NTSC carts. Get an NTSC console if you're at all serious about it, though.

That is really a shame. This is my favorite Harvest Moon game.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

It would have been really fun to have it on Wii. I'm assuming its not on the Japanese Wii either due to the same scripting problems...

Ifrit XXII said:
What's more special about the 64 version? I've played several of them and most of them seem identical to me. Bought the SNES version on the Virtual Console and was loving it until a storm came and wiped out most of my crops. Smilie

It's special because it was good. Very good.

None of the Harvest Moon games I've played are as good as the 64 one. The controls in the 64 game work very well. Festivals and cut scenes are entertaining. The photo album is nice. You can upgrade several aspects of your farm (the green house rocks). I love the art style. The characters are pretty interesting. Even after you get filthy rich, you can bet tons of money on horse and dog races.

I think it's possible for a Harvest Moon game to better than Harvest Moon 64. But it just seems that the newer games improve on some areas, but really screw up other areas.

These are the games I've played, so you can see what I'm comparing the 64 version against:
*Friends of Mineral Town (GBA - this is the only that compares to the 64, in my opinion).
*A Wonderful Life (GC - after a couple of weeks, I hated this game)
*Tree of Tranquility
*Harvest Moon GBC

I've also seen my friends play Magical Melody some. They also say the 64 version is best. I want to play the SNES version sometime. That looks really good to me.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Harvest Moon 64 is too good for the Wii.

I'm glad to have an N64. Now I just need to get Harvest Moon again. IMO, it is the best game of the series.

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