Kid Icarus: Uprising May Have Online Features

By 02.08.2010 1

Kid Icarus: Uprising May Have Online Features on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The creator of Super Smash Bros. and Kirby has recently spoken to gaming publication GamesMaster and discussed his most recent project, Kid Icarus: Uprising.

The game, which is currently in development for Nintendo's new handheld Nintendo 3DS, may have online features. According to Sakurai, these features are being tested now and may be implemented into the final release. One of them is versus play, but no further details were discussed about the possibility.

Due to the improved online functionality of the 3DS over the DS, Sakurai has also said that many developers are taking advantage of them.

"The online capabilities are currently being tested, there could be some versus play but we can't go into the detail. As far as going forward, there are lot of capabilities that expand on what was in the DS that people are taking advantage of."

Lastly, Sakurai discussed some more aspects about the 3D in the game. He spoke of how the bullets or shots curved, rather than in a straight line, like most other standard shooter or FPS games. This gives a sense of depth to the bullets.

"You might notice that the bullets or shots have an arc to them. In standard shooters or FPS games you see the bullet travel to its destination and it's just a dot because it travels in a straight line. But because of 3D technology you can use arcing shots and get a sense of a bullet travelling with real depth."

Many thanks to CVG.

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Vs Dogfighting, pretty please

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