Sakurai Considering Online Kid Icarus 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2010 9

Sakurai Considering Online Kid Icarus 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The classic Nintendo action platformer Kid Icarus is venturing into 3D, but might also be gliding into the online world as well.

Series creator Masahiro Sakurai hinted that there may be some form of versus play popped into the new game, perhaps locally or maybe even online. In an interview to be published in the July edition of Games Master, he reveals that he team are currently exploring and testing 3DS online capabilities.

There could be some versus play but we can't go into any detail. There are a lot of capabilities that expand on what was in the DS that people are taking advantage of.

Possible air battles over the wireless airwaves around the world? Count us there Sakurai, count us there.

Would you be up for online play in the new Kid Icarus game? What multiplayer features/modes would you like to see included?

Box art for Kid Icarus: Uprising








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Possible air battles over the wireless airwaves around the world? Count us there Sakurai, count us there.

Yes sir, do count us in! lol

Maybe something a little more than "Time-Attack" please?

I don't care, but with Star Fox 64, I do care.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

What? Kid Icarus has always been a single player game only!! Don't waste time developing some tacked on multiplayer to compete with CoD or Halo. It will just detract from the single pla-

oh, I thought it was Metroid for a sec....

Our member of the week

Squidboy said:
I don't care, but with Star Fox 64, I do care.

Same here, i'd rather get the multiplayer battles from Lylat Wars/Star Fox 64 boosted with the online capabilities of the console ^^.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Not sure how a multiplayer aspect would work for this type of game, it has been single player only. If Nintendo made it multiplayer then what characters could you play as in a VS mode. Maybe they will have it as a Beta and if its not very successful it wont be in the final product.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I think it'd be quite nice to have but if sakurai really wants too add multiplayer he should just make a new smash bros game for 3DS xD
Also if there is multiplayer in Kid Icarus then there better not be any tripping added in >.<

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
I think it'd be quite nice to have but if sakurai really wants too add multiplayer he should just make a new smash bros game for 3DS xD
Also if there is multiplayer in Kid Icarus then there better not be any tripping added in >.<

Super Smash Bros. 3D, pl0x. Smilie
About online multiplayer, I'd rather see Lylat Wars get it too. Also, random question but it is relevant. Will the Lylat Wars remake be called Lylat Wars 3D or StarFox 64 3D, here in the UK?

Just a thought, since every StarFox title since Adventures has used "StarFox" in the title here in the UK. (Since the whole copyright issues got cleared up)

Well lets hope it's better than his last attempt at online Smilie

Our member of the week

Mush123 said:
Also, random question but it is relevant. Will the Lylat Wars remake be called Lylat Wars 3D or StarFox 64 3D, here in the UK?

Just a thought, since every StarFox title since Adventures has used "StarFox" in the title here in the UK. (Since the whole copyright issues got cleared up)

My guess is that it'll be called Star Fox whatever in Europe too (The Starfox 64 3D being a working title i think).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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